part 8

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I walk to the shoe department to find Soobin. I see that he's helping a kid find cleats. The kid finally finds a pair that he likes and Soobin starts to head back to the counter. "Soobin!" I say startling him.
"Hey Y/n!" He comes over to me and we sit down on one of the benches that are meant for people trying in shoes.
"I'm bored." I say. "There's nothing else to do in my department."
"Yeah. That kid is one of the only people that I've had today." He says.
"After work do you want to do something?" I ask him.
"I have practice after work...but I mean you could come to the dorm after practice. I can call you."
"Okay. I really need to get out more. Maybe I'll see if Minhyuk is free."
"Why? No, just come with me to the dorm after work." He says hurriedly.
I frown. "And do what? You'll be in practice for hours. Don't worry I'll still come to the dorm."
"I don't know if you should be hanging out with him...he could be dangerous." Soobin says.
"Who? Minhyuk?" I look to the front of the store and see Minhyuk checking out the kid that Soobin was helping. I look back at Soobin. "I think I'll be alright."
"There's a lot to do at the company. Please just come with me after work?" Soobin says.
I look at him for a moment. He's wearing the dark green button up shirt that we all have to wear with khaki pants. His name tag says
My name is Soobin. I work in the shoe dept.
His hair is light blue and he's tapping his foot.
"You dyed your hair blue?" I ask. I hadn't noticed it before. Maybe it's because I've seen pictures of him with blue hair before. When I first met him his hair was purple. He looks at me confused.
"Yeah... I just dyed it for our comeback. Are you trying to change the subject?"
"No. Fine, I'll come with you. But what am I supposed to do?"
"The company has a museum. You can look at that. During our practice. Or you could go to the gym."
"I'll go to the gym." I say.
"Okay. Our gym is really nice." He says.
"Oh, have you started working out?" I ask.
"No. But I've seen pictures." He says. "Now get back to work. Our shift will end soon anyway."

I walk with Soobin into his company building. I've gotten used to coming here now, but I still get amazed by looking at the huge and expensive building. We walk to the elevator and get on.
"What floor is the gym on?" I ask Soobin.
"Fifth. I'll be out of practice in a few hours."
"Okay. Bye." I say I get off.
"Bye." I hear him say before the door closes.
I walk into the gym and just like Soobin said, it was nice. There are only two other people in here. One I've seen before but I can't remember where.
I stretch a little bit by the huge window and then get on the treadmill. I start out at a jogging pace. The treadmill faces a long floor to ceiling window that looks out over the city. I jog for about ten minutes.
I get off the treadmill and walk around. I forgot to bring a water bottle. I see a water fountain and get water. I see the familiar looking guy doing curl ups. He looks so familiar...
I gasp. That's RM from BTS. Luckily everyone else has headphones in so they didn't hear me. I decide not to work out anymore even though I didn't really do much. I take the stairs back down to the lobby. Soobin still has a while until practice is over. I decide to take a bus to the mall.
I look around for a while just window shopping. After a while I decide to get ice cream. While walking around eating my ice cream I see Minhyuk riding a skateboard. I walk up to him.
"Hey!" I say.
He sees me and gets off his skateboard. "Hey Y/n!"
"How are you?" I ask.
"Good. You?"
"As good as ever. I found a new job." He says happily. I make a sad face.
"Aww, you're leaving?"
"Yeah. Im moving farther away and I decided that I should get a job closer to home since I used to walk to work."
"Oh. Well I wish you luck. Me and Soobin will miss you."
"Yeah. I'll miss you guys too. I've been working with Soobin for a while. I talked to him today during our shift. I hope you guys stay well."
"We'll keep in touch."
"Definitely. I'll see you around Y/n."
"See ya." I say. He skates away and I decide to go to the book store. I haven't read in a while. I find a book and read through it.

After reading actually a good amount of the book I decide to stop. I wasn't that interested in it. I walk to a different section. I see a bunch of albums. One in particular catches my eye.
The Dream Chapter: Eternity
I recognize the title from one of the guys talking about it. That's an older one though. Their new album is Still Dreaming.
I see more albums with their faces on it. Looking at them I realize how cute they are.
Awwww. Seeing them here makes me miss them. I decide to head back to the building. They will be out of practice by the time I get back.

Once I get back to the company I go to the elevator. I get on. After going up a couple floors it stops and the guys get on. "Y/n!!" Hueningkai says.
"Hey guys!!" I say. Theyre all dripping in sweat from practice as they get on. The doors close. "Y/n~did you have fun in the gym?" Soobin asks putting his arm around me. I duck out of it and he frowns.
"You're sweaty!" I explain. "And yes, I did like the gym. It's very nice. But I didn't stay for long. I went to the mall and got ice cream. Oh, Minhyuk was there. He told me he was moving."
"Yeah, he told me that too. I'll miss having him around. I thought you were going to stay here? I thought you were here the whole time we. Ugh, you're stressing me out." He says and rubs his temple.
"Well there was nothing else to do. I'm okay Soobin."
"I just want you to be safe that's all..." Soobin says.
"Relax, Soobin. She's older than you are." Yeonjun says. "She knows how to take care of herself."
"I know but.." Soobin trails off.
"I think Soobin is just crushing on Y/n." Beomgyu says.
Soobin blushes. "Who said that.." he mumbles.
"Exactly. We all see it. Don't be embarrassed." Taehyun says. My face grows hot and I look away from them.
"The question is, does she feel the same?" Taehyun says as the elevator doors open.
They all look at me. I start to get off but I feel a hand reach out and grab mine. I don't even have to look back to know who it is. The rest of the guys get off the elevator. The doors close.
Soobin presses the 1st floor button and we start moving down. It's silent. My heart starts beating faster as Taehyun's words linger in my head. Do I like Soobin? Yes. Of course I do. But do I like Soobin?
The elevator doors open and Soobin holds my hand as we exit the building. It's now dark outside. We walk on the sidewalk for a moment and then he stops. He turns towards me, still holding my hand.
"Y/n...I've been meaning to tell you this for a while. Ever since I met you I knew you were different. You caught my eye the very first time I saw you in the staff room making spicy noodles. I wanted to know more about you. When you talked to me I was nervous. I still get nervous talking to you. I'm nervous now...I'm trying to tell you that I really care about you. More than a friend..I-i like like you."
"Soobin..I didn't know you felt that way." I say. I don't know what to think of all this.
"I just want to know if you feel the same way.."
"Soobin I-" My heart beat quickens. Do I? I don't know. "You're a good friend."
"That's not what I'm asking Y/n. Do you like me?" His grip on my hand tightens with urgency for my answer. I take my hand out if his grip.
"I have to go, I'm sorry." I start walking away. You're so stupid Y/n! Stop denying your feelings for him. What are you doing?
My lace quickens as I hear Soobin call me.
"Y/n! Please don't leave me I'm sorry if I was too straight forward. Please Y/n."
I feel a tear drop and I quickly wipes it away. What am I doing?
I run all the way to the bus stop, fearing that  Soobin might be following me.

When I get home I sit at the edge of my bed. What was that?
I pull out my phone, expecting a missed call from Soobin or one of the members.
But there isn't one.
What, do you expect them to come chasing after you after you rejected Soobin?
I shut off my phone all the way and get ready for bed.

I lay down in bed.
Did you lock your doors?
I hear Soobin's voice in my head.
I respond back to the fake conversation.
I roll over and pull the covers tightly around me. What am I gonna do?

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