part 4

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I sigh. Soobin looks up from behind the checkout desk at the shoes department. I put my head on the desk.
"What's up?" He raises his eyebrows.
"I'm lonely..."
"I'm here." He points to himself and lays his head down next to mine.
"But I need a partner." I say. After breaking up with Hyun-wu I've realized how much I depended on him to keep my energy up.
I think I'm ready to find someone new.
"I can be your partner..." He says making eye contact with me. I sit up in my elbows.
"No, I mean I need a new boyfriend."
He stands up and ruffles my hair, smirking. "I could be that, too."
I smile and also stand up. "Nice try."
He frowns. "I could be a good boyfriend."
"Not for me. We're totally opposite."
"Yeah, I guess your right." He sighs. "Well I mean, I could set you up."
I narrow my eyes. "With who?"
"I'm not gonna say. Look, I know a guy
Just get back to work and I'll handel the rest."
"Okay...see tomorrow?" I say.
"Sooner than that if my plan goes accordingly. The shift is about to end, go back to work Y/n, I'll see you."
I get back to work as Soobin wished. Before I know it my shift has ended and I tell Soobin goodbye so that I can catch the next bus. I arrive just in time. As expected, there's not many people on. People tend to prefer the subway over the bus since it's faster with fewer stops. I take a seat in the back. I look around and to my surprise Yeonjun is sitting a couple seats in front of me on his phone with airpods in. I decide to talk to him. I swiftly move seats, sitting next to him. He looks up startled and then relaxes when he recognizes me. "Y/n! You scared me for real."
I laugh. "Sorry. I didn't mean too. Where are you headed?"
"Work. I went out to get something to eat before practice tonight."
"Oh. Soobin was still at work when I left. He's trying to set me up with someone."
"Really? Is that good or bad?"
"I don't know. I'm kinda sceptical about it. But I'm hopeful. I've been getting lonely these days." I say.
"I'm sorry. You could always come hang out with the me and the guys. We need friends. Were always together."
I laugh.
"No, I'm serious. Literally we're never apart."
"I'll keep that in mind. But I don't want to annoy Soobin since I work with him and all. And I know that you guys are really busy."
"Yeah I guess so. I mean, it could work if you're willing to come to the building during the night just to talk." He says.
I shrug. "I'll think about it. Thanks."
"Yeah. And about Soobin setting you up, I don't think it could be too bad. Just have an open mind."
"An open mind?"
"Well, just be open to the guys interests. Not everyone is Hyun-wu."
"I know that. What do you mean?"
He stands up as the bus slows to his stop. "Remember when he ran with you after work a couple months back? Well he skipped practice and got in trouble by our boss. He felt so sick. He stayed up all night and so did the members trying to comfort him. What I'm saying is, not everyone enjoys the same things you do. Don't ry and replace Hyun-wu with someone else. It won't work. Just try and be open minded. I'll see ya later Y/n. Be careful." He gets off the bus.
I sit back and think about his words. Was I too hard on Soobin? After our run he seems fine. We went back to their dorm and hung out. Was he hiding his pain? I feel a pang of guilt. Just then Soobin texts me.

Soobin 🐰
I've found you a date. How about tonight at 7? Meet me at the big ferris wheel in town. Don't bother dressing up xx

I look at the message. I suddenly don't feel like going on a spontaneous date, but Soobin already set everything up so it's not like I can just decline. I quickly text him back an okay. I finally get off the bus and get off.
I walk to my apartment building a few blocks away.

Who could he have found? He said he doesn't have any friend's other than the members...

I brush away the thought and try and get myself in a better mood. I don't want to show up being salty. When I make it home I see the clock. 6:00
Ughh. That stupid bus took forever. I quickly change into shorts and a t shirt. It won't be cold right? I hope not.
I decide to take the subway instead of the bus. It's a lot faster.

Once I arrive at the mall I call Soobin.
"Hey, I'm here. Where are you?"
"I'm at the ferris wheel where I told you. I don't see you. When you get here smile! Your dates really excited to see you." He hangs up.
Do I know this person?
Surely not. I can't imagine anyone that I know would want to date me.
I walk to the ferris wheel. I see Soobin standing in line holding two tickets.
I walk up to him. "Hey."
"Y/n! Hey! I have someone I want you too meet. Again." He smiles and steps back, revealing my date for tonight.
"Hey, Y/n."
My heart stops.

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