part 5

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"Hey, Y/n." Minhyuk says. "Soobin brought me here."
I look at Soobin and then back at Minhyuk. "Oh, did he? So you don't want to be here?" I ask.
He shrugs. "I have nothing better to do."
Soobin intervenes. "What he meant to say is that he is so excited to be here with you tonight. I thought you two would be a great match. Minhyuk here just recently got cheated on too. Right Minhyuk?" Minhyuk nods. "And Y/n just got cheated on too. See? You guys already found something in common and the date hasn't even begun!" Soobin hands us each a ticket to ride the ferris wheel. "Please, enjoy the night. Try and like each other! Im already late for practice so I need to get going. Goodbye you two!" He waves goodbye and then leaves us waiting in the quickly moving line.
I sigh. "So you got cheated on too?"
He nods. "Yep. But it's okay. I was planning to break up with her anyway. We were out together for about 3 weeks. It want serious."
"Oh. He cheated on me after we were together for more than a year..." I say fidgeting with my ticket. "But I guess it wasn't meant to be."
We take a step forward as people are getting on the ride.
"Yeah..." He nods.
There's an awkward silence. I look around the outsid of the mall. Big city buildings surround us, their lights starting to come on as the sun starts to set. We move up in line.
"You guys are next." The ride operator says to us. We nod and briefly make eye contact.
He clears his throat. "So uh, how long have you known Soobin?"
"Oh, only since I started working at the store. What about you?"
"Since I started working there too. We've been co workers for a while now. Maybe a year and a half?"
"Yeah. I don't know why he even works there. He makes really good money as an idol. Like, seriously. But if you didn't know him you would have never guessed what his really job is."
"I also wondered why he works there. He surely doesn't need the extra money right? None of the other members have jobs."
"Oh, have you met them?" He asks.
"Yes. But only once. Well actually I just met Yeonjun again today."
The ride operator asks for our tickets as the ferris wheel stops for us to get in.
"Thank you." We get on the ride. The cool metal makes the back if my legs cold through my jeans. We start going up. There's a beautiful view of the city. All of the lights twinkling makes the view even better.
"It's chilly." I say as I rub my arms. The wind makes my hair blow and my neck gets cold.
Minhyuk shifts facing the window. "Yeah..I guess this is the part where I give you my sweatshirt, but not gonna lie I'm cold too." I laugh. "It's okay. I should've brought my jacket." The awkward silence comes again.
"Here," he takes out his phone. "Let's take a selfie and send it to Soobin that way he knows were alive."
"That sounds like a good idea." I lean in close so that we can both fit in the frame.
He takes the picture and send it to Soobin with the caption
we're having fun~
"I told him we're having fun." Minhyuk says.
"Mhm...are you?" I ask.
"What? Having fun?"
"Oh..I mean.." he chuckles. "It's not you, really, it's just...I'm not used to this sorta thing...I'm not really romantic and I don't know how to keep a conversation.."
"Oh. Yeah. I understand was kinda last minute, too."
"Exactly....maybe we could try and see if we have anything in common.. other than our cheating exes of course."
"Okay. Well, are you more likely to go outside or stay inside?"
"Stay inside definitely. I'm not outdoorsy
What about you?."
I remember what Yeonjun said about having and open mind. Not everyone is Hyun-wu. I respond back.
"Go outside. I hate staying indoors on a good day. And when I do stay inside I'm working out."
"Oh. Well...let's move on. What's your favorite food?"
"Hm. Maybe a good salad?"
"Really? A salad?"
"Well not just any salad. Like a good salad."
"What like a Caesar salad?"
"Yeah! That's a good salad. What about you?"
"Ramen. All day. That's the only thing I have to eat in my house."
"I like ramen. What kind?"
"Same! I love spicy ramen. That's good! We found something else we have in common. What's your favorite animal?"
"Cool. Mine is...well I don't know if I should tell you..."
"What? Why?"
" might think it's weird."
"Why would I think your favorite animal is weird? Come on, just tell me!"
"Should I? Okay. My favorite animal is....a slug."
"A s-slug?" I frown.
"See! You think it's weird. I should've never said anything." He buries his head in his hands.
"No I don't! I've just never...thought of that before. Tell me why you like them. I seriously want to know!" I insist.
He looks up. "Well I just think they're cute and relatable. They just mope around leaving a mess behind them wherever they go. Like me."
I laugh. "Okay..I guess I can see your point."
We start decending. "The view is amazing you here." I say.
"Yeah. It really is." He says. We sit in silence but it's not as awkward as before. When we come to a stop we get off.
"Sooo...will we see each other again or...?" He asks.
I face him. "I enjoyed tonight..really. but I just don't see this working out."
He nods. "I was hoping you'd say that. Im not ready for another relationship. But I enjoyed tonight too."
"I'm glad we're on the same page. Friends?" I stick my hand out for him to shake.
"Friends." He says and we shake hands.
"Be careful going home tonight." He says.
"I will. You take care, too. I'll see you at work on Monday right?"
"Okay. Oh! Here's my number in case you want to meet up again some other time. As friends." I say showing him my contact information from my phone so that he can save it.
"Thanks Y/n. See you!"
"Bye Minhyuk!" I wave goodbye and start walking to the bus stop. I sit down as I wait for the next bus to arrive in 15 minutes. The wind blows and I cross my arms. I decide not to wait for the bus and get takeout instead. I'm so hungry. I walk back to the mall, where the food court is.

After making it back I decide on Chinese food. I get my food any then head back to the subway instead, considering that I just missed the bus I was waiting for. The subway is crowded with a bunch of girls holding things like posters and notebooks and what looked to be sticks that light up. I over hear their conversation.
"I can't believe we get to actually see them in person!" One girl says, jumping excitedly.
"I know! I'm asking Yeonjun to sign my light stick."
"I'm giving Hueningkai my favorite plushie!!"
"Soobin is so cute! I don't know if I can face him!"
My heart flutters. Are they talking about the guys? I decide to approach one if them.
"Um, excuse me. Are you taking about the band Tomorrow by Together..?"
They all gasp. "She knows who they are!" They say. I smile shyly. Oh, little did they know I was in their dorm the other day.
"Yes!! We're big fans if them. They are having a fan sign event tomorrow and we rode the subway all the way from Busan!!"
"Oh, that's really cool. What time is the fan sign?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Oh, do you want to go? I can send you the link. Here, this is my number!" One of the girls shows me their phone.
"Oh, I was just wonderi-" I start.
"Who's your bias?" Another girl asks.
"Oh I'm not-"
"I bet it's Taehyun! She looks like her bias is Taehyun, right guys!"
They all start to freak out.
One of their phone dings. "SOOBIN'S ACTIVE ON WEVERSE!!"
They explode again. And my own phone dings with the same notification. I smile, knowing Soobin just got out of practice.
"Here, take a picture with us so we can put it on Weverse. Maybe he'll notice us!" They all gather around me and take a picture.
"Yay!" The girl who took the picture says excitedly as she furiously types on Weverse
Soobin-ie!! We are on our way to see you tomorrow~ please look for us! Fighting!
"Oh, you never got my number!" She takes my phone and enters in her information.
"Now I can send you the details. There may be now more tickets left so hurry and purchase one now!"
I check my phone as I get a message from a contact named Yoon Shaeri. It's a link to TXT'S fan sign event tomorrow. As she said, there are barely any tickets left. I purchase one, even though I'm sure I'll be at the guy's dorm tomorrow anyways.
Suddenly Shaeri screams, sending me into panic. "What? What's wrong?"
They all flip out. I smile. As I too again get the notification. I press on it and it leads me to the post.
I will! You and your friends are really pretty, ah, I don't know if I can meet you guys tomorrow without getting nervous~
"HE SAID WE'RE PRETTY I think I'll faint." They all fangirl over Soobin.
Just then Soobin texts me.
Soobin 🐰
Are you on the subway?
I smile. I look over at the girls as they try to recover. I sneak a picture of them and send it to Soobin.
Look what you've done
Soobin 🐰
Uh oh...what should I do?
Me: post a selca so they will recover
The subway begins to slow.
"Goodbye! I'll see you guys tomorrow at the fansign."
"Oh, yes! I'll text you our meeting place! Bye! Oh wait, what was your name?"
"Y/n." I smile.
"Goodbye Y/n!"
I exit the subway and start walking home.
My phone dings with a notification from weverse.
I press on it and I see a picture of Soobin.
Moa! I can't wait for tomorrow. Rest well so that we can meet happily 😊
I smile and keep walking. When I get home I sit down at my table and eat my food.
Soobin texts me.
Soobin 🐰
Goodnight Y/n~ meet me tomorrow night so that you can tell me about your date.
Me: okay. Goodnight.

I finish my food and go to sleep.

I wake up and look at my alarm clock.
3:15 am.
"Ugh." I get up. My stomach is killing me and I gave a bad headache. I've never felt so sick in my life. What is wrong with me?
I take a sip of water. I try and go back to sleep but my stomach hurts so bad I can't. I suddenly get sick. I rush to the bathroom. As I thought, I get sick.
"Ew." I mutter.
Head spins as I try and make it back to my bed. What's wrong with me? My stomach twists as I lay back down. I try and find my phone as my vision blurrs. I dial 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
I tell them what's wrong and they tell me help is on the way.
Great. Oh how things can change within a matter of time...

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