part 6

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I wake up in a hospital bed. I recall all of the events that happened last night. I went on a date with Minhyuk, met the Moas on the subway, then I got sick. But why?
My stomach doesn't hurt as bad as before but its still pretty bad. My head feels a little dizzy. Im propped up on pillows. I see an IV connected to the inside of my elbow. The sun is shining bright through the curtain less window.
"Oh good, you're awake." I see a nurse walk in. She smiles at me and adjusts my IV. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"That's good. Do you remember what happened last night?"
"Not really..."
"We came and got you after you called for help. You were dehydrated and and your whole body had chills. You have food poisoning."
"Oh no." I say. My head starts throbbing again. "How long will it take to recover?"
"One to ten days. You will be fine to recover at home. You can leave whenever you feel like it. Just remember to rest and eat a little bit when you feel up to it. Stay hydrated."
I nod okay. She leaves.
Ugh...I really don't feel like going home right now but..I can't stay in the hospital forever.

I walk to the nearest subway station. My stomach aches with every step. I feel like I'm going to be sick at any moment. The subway is packed full of people. Everyone moving around makes my head spin. I feel tears start to well up. What are you crying? It's because your overwhelmed.
I feel my head spin. I start to lose my balance and I slowly fall back but I feel someone catch me. "Y/n ah, what are you doing?" I hear Soobin's voice whisper in my ear. I turn around and clutch onto Soobin. "I'm sick." And then the worst thing happens. I prove my point by getting sick, all over Soobin. "I'm sorry.." I say and try to stumble away. "Y/n wait, it's okay. What happened?" I hear him follow me. He practically carries me to the subway before it leaves. "Y/n? Y/n are you okay?"
I see people around us giving us dirty looks. I turn to Soobin and start crying. He embraces me. "Y/n please tell me what's wrong." He whispers.
"I-I got sick." I choke out. "It's not even that bad, I'm just... overreacting."
"It's okay. Where are you going?"
"Let me take you there."
"Please." He leans down and whispers. "I can't make it back to the dorm without being seen. And I can't be seen out like this."
"I'm sorry." I say guiltily.
"Don't be. I want to help you."
After a long, treacherous ride we make it home. I had to guide Soobin the whole way. As soon as we get in I sit down by my bed up against the wall. Soobin leans against the kitchen counter. My apartment is small, everything is in the same room except for the bathroom, which is right by the door.
"So what happened?" Soobin asks.
I sigh and try to gather myself.
"Last night I got poisoned."
"You got what? Y/n, why didn't you tell me? We were talking last night and you seemed fine."
"I was fine until I went to bed. I got food poisoning from the Chinese food I had. I started to feel sick and I thought that I was going to die, so naturally I called 911." I explain.
"Oh. Well clearly you're still sick. Why did you leave the hospital?"
"They said I could leave.."
"Y/n. What would have happened if I wasn't at the subway station? You could've gotten hurt or stolen."
"Stolen? Really? I don't think anyone would want to steal this." I gesture to my current state.
"You might want to clean up."
I nod and grab a change of clothes, heading to the bathroom. I turn to Soobin. "What about you? I got you dirty too.."
"I'll be okay until you're done. I'll call one of the members and ask them to bring me a change of clothes."
"Okay. Thank you, Soobin."

After I take a shower I brush my teeth and walk back into the room. I see Yeonjun sitting at the kitchen table talking to Soobin, whose still leaning on the counter.
"Do you feel better now?" Soobin asks.
"Yes." I smile.
"Can I take a shower now? I won't be long I promise." Soobin says hesitantly.
"Of course you can. I'm sorry for getting you dirty."
"Don't be. I don't mind." He says and goes into the bathroom.
"Hey Y/n." Yeonjun says.
"Hey." I go over and sit on my bed.
"So, how was your date?" He asks.
I shake my head. "It didn't work out."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Good. It wasn't going to work out." I say getting under the covers.
"Hm. Well, maybe it's better off that way. Soobin said you got food poisoning?"
"Yeah. It was Chinese food that I got from the food court at the mall."
"Yeah, don't go to that Chinese place. They're known in the takeout world to have bad food." He says.
"Oh. Well thanks for telling me." I say. I suddenly remember something. "When the fan sign?"
"In about an hour and a half."
"Oh. Yesterday I met a few Moas on the subway." I say reaching for my phone. It's half dead. I plug it in.
"Yeah I saw that." Yeonjun says.
"Yeah. They convinced me to buy tickets for the fansign."
"Your not going to the fansign." Soobin comes walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his head and sits at the end of my bed.
"You're sick, that's why."
"But they texted me already and told me the meeting spot."
Soobin sticks out his hand and dries his hair with the other.
I cautiously hand my phone to him. "What are you doing?"
"Canceling your plans." He says and I see him start typing something.
He hands me back my phone. "Done. Now you can rest until you feel better." He says. I see that he sent a text to Yoon Shaeri.

hey! I'm so sorry but something unexpected came up and I can't make it to the fansign😭
please tell Soobin oppa that I love him ♥️ goodbye 🥲

"Oppa? Really?" I say.
He shrugs. "To be honest I don't know how old you are.."
"I'm 22." I say.
He holds back a smile.
"What? How old are you?" I ask Soobin.
"It doesn't matter...noona." He says and starts laughing.
"Wait! Are you...of legal age?" I ask hesitantly.
He starts laughing even harder and nods.
"How old are you?" I ask Yeonjun.
He smiles. "You can call me oppa."
I laugh. Soobin walks over to the kitchen and opens the cabinets and gets a cup, filling it with water. "You need to stay hydrated."
He brings me the water.
"Thanks." I take a sip.
"Soobin, we need to get going. You can take care of her later." Yeonjun stands up.
"Alright. Y/n do you have a bag that I could put my clothes in?" Soobin asks.
"Oh, yes. Look in the bottom cabinet." I say. He gets a bag and gathers his things.
"Okay. Thank you. Bye Y/n." Soobin says.
"Bye Soobin and Yeonjun! See you guys later." I say waving. They leave and I check my phone. I have a text from Yoon Shaeri.

I'm sooo sorry 😭 I'll take pictures and send them too you. And don't worry I'll make sure Soobin knows you love him!

I laugh and go to Netflix. I decide that this is the perfect time to start a drama.

I spend the rest of the day drinking water and watching Netflix. Eventually I hear a knock on my door. It opens.
"Hello?" I ask.
"It's me." I hear Soobin's voice come in through the door. "You should really lock your door." He comes in carrying a grocery bag.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Ingredients. I'm making you soup." He says and places the bag on the table.
"Aw, thank you." I say. "How was the fan sign?"
"It was good. It's always amazing to see how many people show up. And to think that there's more of them." He shakes his head in disbelief.
"Oh, I saw your friends there. They took a selfie with me. They told me that you loved me. Little did they know I was the one that told them too." He laughs.
It gets quiet as I watch Soobin make the soup. He moves about the kitchen humming as if he's been cooking in it all his life. It brings a smile to my mouth.
"Thank you Soobin. You're really sweet." I say.
He turns around and smiles. I can see a blush rising in his cheeks. "Thanks.."
"Can I ask you something?" I say. "It's kinda random.."
"Sure." He comes over and sits on the edge of my bed.
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I ask.
His blush deepens. "No...why?"
"You just seem very likeable. That's all." I say.
"Oh.." he looks away.
"Why do you work at the sports store? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions."
"No, you're fine. I work there so that I still feel connected. I want to feel like I'm still...normal. I mean I know I'm normal but I just want to feel like an ordinary person my age. That's all."
"Mm. I understand. Did you feel disconnected when you didn't work there?"
"Well I mean..the other members never have to leave the building. They really don't leave unless they go shopping. The company has everything we need. So we don't have to leave. Ever."
"I see. Well, I'm glad you work there. I enjoy your presence." I say.
"Thanks. I enjoy yours, too." He gets up and pours the soup into a bowl and brings it over to me.
"Here. Be careful, it's hot." He hands me the bowl and spoon.
"Thank you." I say. I cautiously take a sip.
"Soobin, this is really good." I say and take another sip.
"Do you have practice tonight?"
"Yeah. But I don't tomorrow. We get Sunday off." He says.
"That's good."
"Yep. So I guess I should probably be off then.."
"Yeah. Thanks again."
"No problem. I really don't mind. You know you can always call me right? At anytime."
"I know. Have a goodnight."
"I will. You too. Here, let me clean the dishes before I leave."
"You don't have too. Just go to practice."
"No, I'll quickly clean them." He does as he says. When he's done he walks to the door. "Lock the door as soon as I leave okay?"
"Okay." I say. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight Y/n."
He leaves and I lock the door. I feel a lot better after today. I look out the window and see the city lights lighting up the sky. I look down and see Soobin walking down the street, his head hung low so as not to be recognized. He pressed the crosswalk button and I watch as he waited and then crosses. He crosses the street and he becomes out of sight.
"Goodbye Soobin"  I whisper, waving.
I crawl back in bed and go to bed.

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