Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Sorry but halfway through this chapter I had to change the website I was using for the script so it might seem a little weird. And I also started this book up again!*

Bella's POV

Will was sharpening his sword while talking to Jack "When I was a lad living in England, My mom raised me by herself. After she died I came out here looking for my dad" Will says "Is that so?" Jack says "Speaking of my father. At the jail, it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help. Did you know my father Jack?" Will asks and grabs my attention. "I knew him. I am probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else would just call him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill." Jack says "Bootstrap?" Will questions "Goodman. Good pirate. I swear you look just like him" Jack says and I look confused "That's not true. My father was a merchant sailor. A man who respected the law" Will says in disbelief "He was a bloody pirate" Jack says and Will takes out his sword "Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again" "You didn't beat me," Will says "Will don't get in a fight," I say standing up from where I was sitting. Jack then turns the wheel and gets Will stuck on the mast "Don't hurt him!" I yell pulling out my sword and swing it so it's next to Jack's neck "I'm not going to love" Jack says but I keep my sword where it is but Jack takes a step away from me "Now as long as you're hanging there pay attention. The only rules that really matter are what a man can do and what a man can't do. Now, me, for example, I can let you drown but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy, Savvy? So can you sail under the command of a pirate? Or can you not?" Jack says and turns the wheel so Will comes back onto that ship "Tortuga?" Will questions "Tortuga," Jack says and I put my sword away.

~Time Skip~

"Alright well we are here I need everyone to stay close especially you, Love," Jack says. We were walking through the streets. It was disgusting here. They were drunk men and women everywhere, plus the girls were wearing dresses that made them look more 'beautiful' "I'll tell you mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted." Jack says. Then a woman suddenly was walking up to us "Scarlett" Jack says but then gets slapped by her. "I'm not sure I deserved that. Giselle" He says "Who was she?" The girl asks "What?" Jack questions but gets slapped again "I might have deserved that," he says and I laugh silently "Let's go," Jack says grabbing two buckets full of water "Why do you need that?" I ask "Just watch," Jack says. We walk into a pig stall where a man is sleeping with the pigs. Jack then throws the bucket of water at the man waking him up "Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!" He yells sitting up "Mothers love, Jack! You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. 'S bad luck" "Ah, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys, the man who was sleeping a drink. Then the man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking." Jack says "Aye, that'll do it," the unnamed man says and Will throws a bucket of water at him "Blast! I'm already awake!" "That was for the smell," Will says and I look at him weirdly but I just shrug it off. Jack then takes us into a bar nearby. "Keep a sharp eye," Jack says to Will and drags me to a table where the other man was sitting. "Now, what's the nature of this venture of yourn," The man says "I'm going after the Black Pearl." Jack says and the man chokes on his drink "I know where it's going to be, and I'm going to take it." "Jack, it's a fool's errand. Why, you know better than me the tails of the Black Pearl" The man says and the more he talks the more familiar he sounds "Mr. Gibbs?" I question and both men look at me "Yes?" Mr. Gibbs says "It's really you," I say staring at him "Do I know you?" He asks "I'm Elizabeth's friend, Bella," I say "Oh you, yeah it's been a while sorry," He apologizes "But back to Jack," "All I need is a crew," Jack says "Well what makes you think Barbossa will give up his ship?" Mr. Gibbs questions "Let's just say it's a matter of leverage, eh?" Jack says nodding his head towards Will "You're not going to do anything with Will" I say suddenly mad at Jack "I'm not doing anything with him" Jack says but I don't totally believe him "But, that is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner. His only child, Savvy?" "Well looked there. There is bound to be some sailors on this rock crazy as you. I'll find some men. " Mr. Gibbs says downing his drink, slamming his cup on the table

~Time skip to later in the day~

"Feast your eyes Cap'n. All of 'em good sea-faring men, faithful hands before the mast, everyone worth their salt and crazy, to boot." Gibbs says and we walk down the line until we get to a man with a parrot on his shoulder "Cotton here is mute, sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out" Gibbs says and Cotton sticks out what little he had left of his tongue. " So he went and trained the parrot to do the talking for him, Nobody knows how. Nobody knows the parrot's name either so we just call it Cotton's parrot" "Mr. Cotton. Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true, in the face of danger, and almost certain death?" Jack asks the parrot "Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!" The parrot squawks out "Mostly that seems to mean yes," Gibbs says "Of course it does," Jack says "We set sail right away" Jack says and everyone gets ready to sail.

A Pirates Love (Book One)✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant