Chapter 6

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Bella's POV

In the morning I wake up to the smell of smoke. I sit up and see Elizabeth throwing barrels into a fire "What are you doing? You've burned our food, the shade, the rum." Jack shouts "Yes, the rum is gone," Elizabeth says as one of the barrels explodes "Why?" Jack asks "That signal is over a thousand feet high, which means it can be seen for two hundred leagues in every direction. The entire Royal Navy is looking for me and Bella. Do you think there is even a chance they could miss it?" Elizabeth questions "You, You burned up the island for a one-time chance at being spotted?" Jack says "Yes," Elizabeth says and sits next to me in the sand "Just you wait Captain. In an hour, maybe two, keep a 'weather eye open' and you'll be seeing white sails on that horizon," I look at Jack as he walks away from us mumbling to himself. Elizabeth was right in about an hour the Royal Navy was here to save us but that also meant I had to see Norrington. Jack wasn't too happy that Elizabeth was right "Elizabeth, Bella I'm relieved to see you both alive," Norrington says and looks at Jack "Clap him in irons. And behind his back this time." his men listen and cuff Jack "Commodore you can't do that" I say standing in front of Jack "You're speaking up for him again?" Norrington questions "He can locate Isla de Muerta, but I doubt he'll be willing to help us from the brig," Elizabeth says "We had time to get to know each other," Jack says from behind me "We are bound for Port Royal, not Isla de Muerta," Norrington says "No. The pirates have taken Will," Elizabeth says "Your father is frantic with worry. Our mission was to rescue you and return home. That is what we shall do. Mr. Turner's fate is regrettable. But so was his decision to engage in piracy," Norrington says "Commodore, please!" I say trying to save Will for Elizabeth's sake "Norrington, think about it, the Black Pearl, its Captain, and crew the last pirate threat in the Caribbean. How can you pass that up?" Jack says "By remembering that I server others, not only myself," Norrington says "Commodore, I beg you please do for me. As a wedding gift." I say my voice getting quieter towards the end "I am to understand that you will accept my marriage proposal on the condition that I rescue Mr. Turner?" Norrington asks me "Not as a condition, a request," I say "Free Mr. Sparrow, and prepare to come about. He'll give you our heading," Norrington says and the men get to work "Bella, I hereby withdraw my proposal," Norrington says "What?" I say confused "I know where your heart truly lies." Norrington says "Well it's not with Will if that's what you think," I say and Norrington chuckles. We both get up and go different ways. I walk over to Jack and sit next to him "You didn't tell Commodore Norrington everything," I say "Nor did you, I noticed." Jack says "These men will be facing an enemy that seemingly cannot be killed." I say "I have a plan. If it succeeds, then any battle will be decently brief, and one-sided" Jack says and we reach the island "Bella in the Captain's quarters. I will compromise your safety," Norrington says. Jack tries to protest but I'm already locked in the room. Most of the sailors are going to the island so I try to escape. Luckily Jack secretly pushed a boat over by where I was staying so I took shirts and tied them together to get to the boat. I started rowing towards the island. When I get there Jack is fighting with Barbossa. Suddenly, Barbossa sees me and points his pistol at me "Don't move Jack or I will shoot her," Barbossa says I freeze because I don't want to die. I see Jack move just the slightest bit and a gunshot goes off. I close my eyes ready to die.

*There is only one chapter left*


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