Chapter One

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1,500 words

Bella's POV

The Ship was sinking I was with my best friend and my mother. "Bella, run don't wait for me please or you will die," My mom said. Me and will jumped off the boat and hung onto a piece of debris but me and will got hit with something and passed out.

Young Elizabeth's POV

"We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! Yo ho, You ho, a pirates life for me. We extort we pilfer, we filch and snack. Drink up-" someone puts their hand on my shoulder, "Quiet! Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us?" Mr.Gibbs says "Mr.Gibbs, that will do" Norrington interrupted "She was singing about pirates. Bad luck to be singing about Pirates especially with this unnatural fog. Mark my words." Gibbs protested. "Consider them marked. On your way" Norrington says "Aye, it's bad luck to bring a woman aboard even a little one" Gibbs says "I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate" I say "Think again Miss. Swann, I intend to see that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves." Norrington says "Lieutenant Norrington, I'm, uh, I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have on my daughter," My father says, "My apologies, Governor Swann," Norrington says "Actually, I find it all fascinating." I say "Yes. That's what concerns me" He says. I was looking out into the water when I saw someone "Look, A boy! There's a boy and a girl in the water!" I shout "Man overboard! Get him and her onboard," Norrington shouts at the men "He's still breathing and so is the girl" "Mary, Mother of God" Mr. Gibbs says looking at the burning ship in front of them " What happened here?" My father asks "It was pirates" Mr. Gibbs says "There's no proof, it was probably an accident" My father says "Elizabeth I want you to accompany them. They will be in your charge. Take care of them," He says and I nod walking over to them. They both wake up looking scared "It's ok. My name is Elizabeth Swann." I say "W-W-Will  Turner and this is my b-best friend B-Bella," The boy says " I'm watching over you guys"

                                                                              *End of Dream*

Bella's POV

I woke up to a knock on my door "Bella? Are you decent?" Governor Swann asks "Yes, Yes!" I say throwing a robe on over my nightgown "You're still in bed at this hour?" He asks Maids walking in after him to open the curtains "I have a gift for you" he says while opening a box to reveal a dress "Wow, It's beautiful" I say "Isn't it" He says "What's the occasion?" I ask "Do I need an Occasion to dress you up? Go on. Actually, I um, I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today." he says "Ceremony?" I question "Captain Norrington promotion ceremony," he says "I knew it!" I say "Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become! a fine gentleman. He fancies you, you know? Bella? How's it coming?" he asks "Hard to say," I say barely able to breathe "I'm told it's the latest fashion in London," He says "Well, Women in London must've learned not to breathe," I say.

Jack's POV

"What? Hey! Hold up, there, you. It's a shilling to tie up your boat" The harbormaster says while both of them look at the sinking boat "And I shall know your name" "What do ye say to three shillings? And we forget the name" I say "Welcome to Port Royal Mr. Smith" he says ask I walk away and grab his money.

*Time skip*

"This dock is off-limits to civilians," Murtogg says  "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you. How could it be that you two upstanding gentlemen didn't get an invitation to the ceremony?" I say trying to distract them "someone has to make sure these docks stay off-limits," Murtogg says "It's a fine goal to be sure but it seems to me that a ship like that makes this one here a bit superfluous, really." I say pointing at the two ships 

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