Chapter 2

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Will Turner ^

1,542 words

Bella's POV

"NO! Don't shoot," Governor Swann says "I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects, please, oh, and my hat! Commodore!" Jack tightened his grip on my neck when Commodore didn't give him his effects "Bella. It is Bella isn't it?" He asks me as I turn around to put his stuff on "It's Miss. Smith to you" I say "Miss. Smith, if you'd be so kind. Come, Come, Dear, we haven't got all day" He says. I rolled my eyes when he called me dear. I strapped his sword on a little too harshly and put his hat on him "Easy on the goods, love" He chuckles "You're despicable" I say frowning at him "Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life and you saved mine. Now, Gentlemen, m'lady, You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow"  he says pushing me towards Commodore and trying to escape "Now, Will you shoot him" Governor Swann asks "Open fire!" Commodore shouts and everyone starts firing their guns at Jack.

Will's POV

I walk into the blacksmith place where I work. Why is the donkey working Mr.brown is still sleeping? I question myself. I see a hammer "Not where I left you?" I question suddenly I see a pirate hat, I reach out to grab it but I am met with a sword "wait you're the one they're hunting. The pirate!" I say "You seem familiar. Have I threatened you before?" He asks "I make a point of avoiding pirates," I say "Ah, well, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record," he says while turning to walk away but I grab my own sword and start fighting him. 

                                                                        *epic sword Battle*

I was in the middle of fighting the Pirate "Who makes all these swords?" He asks "I do and I practice with them three hours a day!" I say "You need to find yourself a girl, mate, or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one," he says "I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate. I can kill it!" I shout while swinging my sword at him. all of a sudden I am blinded with sand I go to continue but he has a gun pointed at me "You cheated" I say "pirate" he responds "Move away" "No" I say "please move" he asks "No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape" I say "This shot is not meant for you," he says but before I could respond he gets hit in the head with a bottle. Norrington's men break down the door and walk-in "Well, I trust you will all remember this as the day Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped" Commodore says.

Bella's POV

"There you go miss, " my maid says as she places a bed warmer between my sheets "It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure" "I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose but I must admit, I wasn't prepared for it," I say " I don't mean that, I mean being threatened by that pirate," she says "Oh, yeah it was terrifying," I say "Well, I beg your pardon, Miss. It was not my place to ask," she says while walking out of the room. Why was I not scared of meeting that pirate again? I silently said to myself 

Jack's POV

I was chilling in the cell I was put in when I heard cannons go off "I know those guns" I say standing up and look out the small window "It's the pearl!" "The Black Pearl? I've heard stories. It's been preying on ships and settlements for ten years, never leaves anyone alive." One of the prisoners says "No survivors? Where do the stories come from?" I ask. Just then a hole is blown into the other cell. The prisoners walk out of the hole but there isn't enough room on my side to get out. I try to get the dog to come here with the keys but a loud bang was heard upstairs and it ran away. "This ain't the armory," Twigg says "Well look what we have here Twigg. Captain Jack Sparrow." Koehler says "Last time we saw you, you were on a godforsaken island. His fortunes aren't improved" Twigg says "Worry about your own fortunes, Gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers." I say just as Koehler grabs my throat and has a skeletal arm "So there is a curse. That's interesting." "You know nothing of hell," Koehler says walking back up the stairs to leave. "Very interesting," I say.

Bella's POV

I get woken up to Will shaking me "Will what do you want?" I say sitting up "They took Elizabeth," Will says "Who took Elizabeth?" I ask tiredly "The pirates," he says "What!" I shout suddenly fully awake "Shh! I'm not supposed to be here" Will says "Oh yeah sorry. What are we going to do?" I ask "We are going to get Jack," he says walking out of my room. I get dressed into a pirate outfit (image below)

and met Will by the gates to the dungeon "You, Sparrow!" Will says to Jack "Aye" Jack says "You are familiar with that ship? The Black Pearl?" Will asks "I've heard of it," he says "Where does it make berth?" Will asks "Where does it make berth? H...

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and met Will by the gates to the dungeon "You, Sparrow!" Will says to Jack "Aye" Jack says "You are familiar with that ship? The Black Pearl?" Will asks "I've heard of it," he says "Where does it make berth?" Will asks "Where does it make berth? Haven't you heard the stories?" Jack asks sounding surprised but before he could continue I say "Captain Barbossa, He and his crew sail to the dreaded Isla de Muerta" Jack looks impressed that I knew this "You are right love but, the island cannot be found except by those who already know where it is" Jack says "The ship is real enough. Therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it, Sparrow?" Will asks "Why ask me?" Jack questions "Because you're a pirate," Will says "And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?" Jack asks "Never! They took Miss. Swann" Will says "Well your friend here looks like she wants to be one," Jack says pointing at me. It's like he could read my mind I really hated this life here and wished to be a pirate. "I can get you out you know," Will says, directing Jack's attention back to him "How's that the key's run-off," Jack says "I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges." Will says picking up the bench and placing it on the bottom of the cell door "With the right amount of leverage and strength, the door will lift free" "What's your name?" Jack asks "Will Turner," Will says "That would be short for William? Good strong name. No doubt a name for your father?" Jack asks "Yes," Will says "Uh-huh, well, Mr. Turner, I have changed my mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?" Jack asks "Agreed." Will says "Agreed. Now get me out," Jack says. Will lifts the door off the hinges and says "Hurry, someone could have heard that" "Not without my effects," Jack says, grabbing his stuff then we start running towards the bridge. "We're going to steal the ship. That ship?" Will asks pointing at the Dauntless "Commandeer. We are going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl, how far are you willing to go to save her?" Jack asks "I'd die for her," Will says "Oh, good." Jack says and walks towards canoes. He picks up one and motions for us to follow him. Jack was brilliant. We were going across the bay floor to get to the Dauntless. "This is either madness or brilliance," Will says "It's funny how often those traits coincide," Jack says while boarding that Dauntless "Everyone stay calm! We are taking over this ship" "Aye! Avast!" Will shouts and everyone laughs at him "This ship cannot be crewed by two men you'll never make it out of the bay" Gillette says "Are you blind! I'm here too" I shout at him "Bella?" Gillette questions "Why are you here? What are you wearing?" "I'm going to help them and I am wearing clothes." I say just ask Jack points his gun at Gillette "Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?" Jack says. 

Commodore Norrington's POV

"Commodore!" One of my men shouts at me "Sir, they've taken the Dauntless. They've taken the ship. Sparrow, Turner, and Miss. Smith- They've taken the Dauntless!" Gillette shouts. "Prepare the Interceptor!" I shout as my men get to work. We sail out towards the Dauntless and once on board I shout "Search every cabin!"

Bella's POV

Jack is holding on to me while we swung over to the Interceptor "You alright love?" Jack asks "I'm fine," I say just as Norrington's men start shooting at the ship "Let's get going," Jack says. 

Sorry, it's been a while but I had some inspiration to write so I did!

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