rewriting fully

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Hey guys, Pinky here. I realized how horribly lacking I was in knowledge when it came to certain things in the book and decided you guys deserved better, and more legal, writing. Aka (Y/n) is going to be older and will work at UA, mostly bc I'm letting Sayaka, who'll be renamed, go to UA. so it'll only be teachers and older students in UA. I wanted the original characters I added to try to get with her when they're older, aka 18 or more. So I'll only make pro heroes and shit like her and the older version of the Bnha 1-A people like her, and more if they're legal bc i realized that what i was doing with the relationships are horrible. I also need to do better in certain things, so (Y/n) will now be a demi-girl bc I generally feel like that would fit them.

So yuh, rewriting this thing fully to make it better and not a pedophiles dream

I'm also really sorry for certain things in the book as I was still young at the time when I started this, and I still am, but I know now that it was disgusting and horrible of me to do, so excuse me while I actually correct this.

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