⌕ :: JJK [fluff] 🃏

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"y/n! you're here!" your brother, hoshi, exclaimed once he saw you. "go sit on the
bleachers." "i know, i know, but i brought you another drink," you said and he jogged up to you. "here," you handed him a sports drink.

"thanks," he smiled and cracked the top open. "go sit." you nodded and turned around. you walked to the bleachers and noticed a guy sitting on the second level. "you're hoshi's little sister?" the guy asked you as you sat down on the first level.

"Hmm, i'm y/n," you introduced yourself. "Jungkook" he introduced himself and moved to sit down next to you. you noticed that he was wearing a sling, and the sling holding his left arm. "what happened to you?" you asked him.

"banged up my shoulder and my elbow the other day," he answered. "i have nothing else to do so i'm just waiting till they're done before going home." "ouch." "yea, not fun. don't play baskethall, it's not worth it," Jungkook said to you. you laughed. "what's so funny?" "i guess hoshi doesn't talk about me to you guys. i play basketball too," you mentioned. "you play?" he asked.

you nodded. "i don't play as much anymore though, but me and my brother play half-court when i have some time." "well, once my shoulder gets better, well have to play a round," Jungkook said. you smiled, "you're on." "y/n! come over here for a second!" your brother shouted.

you looked at the court, "you can't make me," you responded. "just come over here," hoshi gestured you to go into the court. "do i look like i can play? i'm wearing my uniform," you said to him. hoshi sighed, "just shoot this free throw." you rolled your eyes and stood up while putting your backpack on the the bleachers.

you went into the court and one of hoshi's friends passed you their basketball. you stood on the free throw line and dribbled the ball. "why am i doing this again?" you asked your brother. "just do it," hoshi said and you jumped up and threw the basketball. the ball easily went through the hoop with a swish.

"TOLD YA JAEHYUN. PAY UP" one of the guys frowned and held out his hand to another guy, "give me money" "hell no! you already owe me money from lunch!" the second guy yelled.

i just threw a ball just to settle a bet? you rolled your eyes and went back to the bleachers. "that was pointless," you said to Jungkook. he laughed, "i'm not surprised. we have little bets like this all the time," he mentioned.

"so that's why hoshi always asks me for money.. jungkook turned his head to look at you, "want to go get some snacks? i'm getting hungry" you nodded, "sure, i need to buy me and hoshi dinner anyways."

jungkook stood up, "hoshi! i'm borrowing her for a bit!" he yelled as you stood up and put your backpack back on. "i swear to god Jungkook, I'll kill you if you touch her!" hoshi yelled in his "protective older brother" tone.

you rolled your eyes at you brother as you and Jungkook left. you two walked down the street and went into a convenience store. you picked up a basket and Jungkook immediately threw some bags of chips in. as you two walked around, you grabbed some microwaveable dinners for you and your brother.

you grabbed a few bottles of waters and sports drinks and the basket started getting pretty heavy as more snacks were put in it. "here, let me hold that," jungkook offered and grabbed the handles of the basket.

"thanks," you said to him and grabbed another bag of chips. you paid for everything and you and jungkook started walking back to the basketball court. "oh come on..." jungkook mumbled as he struggled to open a bag of chips. "would you like some help?" you asked him. "hang on," he said and opened the bag, "all good."

you laughed and you two entered the court. you two went back to where you were sitting earlier. your brother and his friends were still playing so you opened one of the bags and started snacking. "what'd you get?" jungkook asked.

you showed him the label on the bag while munching. "can i have one?" you nodded, "go ahead," you managed to say. "jungkook! Get away from my sister!" you suddenly heard hoshi scream.

"dude, we're in the middle of a game!" one of their friends exclaimed. hoshi fumed as he walked over and to you two and sat in between both of you.

"you have got to be kidding me.." you muttered and continued eating. "dude, you need to shower," jungkook said. your brother just crossed his arms as everything came to a halt on the basketball court.

you looked behind your brother and at Jungkook, "want to get a smoothie?" you asked him. "sure," Jungkook answered. "y/n! you're too young-hey! let go!" hoshi was interrupted by his friends, who dragged him back to the court while
you and Jungkook left the court again.

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