⌕ :: KTH [fluff] 🃏

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"hey y/n? can you make some soup?" Taehyung asked and waddled out of the room with a blanket over his shoulders. "i already am" you responded while standing at the stovetop. "go lay down in the room. itll be done in few more minutes." "it's cold in there," he said and
laid down on the couch.

you reached over to a container and took the lid off. you put some salt into the soup and closed the salt container. you grabbed a few bowls from a cabinet and opened the rice cooker. you scooped out some rice and put it into two bowls. you closed the rice cooker and stirred the soup with a spoon. you grabbed a spoon and tasted the soup, "okay! all done!" you announced and turned the stove off.

you brought over the pot and set it on top of a rack, which was in the table in the living room. you looked at taehyung and saw him with his eyes closed. you crouched down and brushed his hair with your hand. "hey, you need to eat. you didn't eat much this morning," you said to taehyung, and he opened his eyes.

he nodded and sat up. you went back to the kitchen and grabbed the empty bowls and the bowls of rice along with some utensils. you returned to the living room and put everything on the table. "would you like me to feed you?" you asked him.

Taehyung chuckled, "nah, i can feed myself." "okay," you put some soup into the empty bowls. Taehyung started eating and smiled. "what?" "it's really good," he said and drank some more soup. "thank you." "of course," you said. "oh, let me get you some water."

you said and went back into the kitchen. you opened the door to the pantry and grabbed a bottle of water. you returned to the living room and handed the bottle to taehyung.  "thanks," taehyung said and opened the bottle. "you should sit and eat. you haven't taken a break yet." "i'm just taking care of you," you said to him.

"but you should take a break. i don't want you to get sick from overworking," he said to you and drank some water. "sit down and eat with me," he suddenly pouted. you smiled and sat down in the floor. you poured some soup for yourself and started eating.

"today's a good day," taehyung  mentioned. "well, minus me being sick." "at least you didn't have to go to practice, or else you would've been there for probably six hours," you responded. he nodded, "yea, probably." he finished up the last bit of soup. "i think i'm going to go lay down now," he said and stood up, rewrapping the blanket around him.

"go take a nap. ill grab an extra blanket for you from upstairs. i'll wake you up later," you said to him. "okay, but you better not overwork yourself," he said to you. "look, i'm sitting and eating like you told me to do. now listen to me and go take a nap,"

you said to him and both of you laughed. "alright, sleep time," he said and walked into the bedroom. you heard the bed springs squeak and grabbed the remote from the table. you turned the volume down on the tv and continued eating.

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