⌕ :: KTH [angst] 🃏

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"The truth is, I never loved you," Y/N spat. Taehyung's eyes went wide at her
statement. "You don't... you don't mean that," he tried to reach for her but she backed away."I do. Who could ever love someone like you," she gave him one last venomous glance before turning away from him and ran out in the rain, never looking back.

Her tears mixed with the rain water, and her sobs were concealed by the sound of the heavy rain and thunder. Taehyung watched her go, too shocked to cry, and too shocked to follow her. Little did he knew that would be his last chance to talk to her. "I'm going to get groceries, anyone wanna come?" Jin's announcement fell on deaf ears.

"Guys!" He shouted. "Ill come, hyung," taehyung jogged towards him. With that they both set out to the supermarket. Three months have passed since Y/N left taehyung. After that night, when taehyung had finally accepted that it wasn't all a dream, that Y/N had actually left him, he tried every way to contact her. He went to her house but she had moved out, she never picked up her phone or responded to his texts.

After two months he had given up, thinking that Y/N really hated him. The thought still felt strange to him, Y/N was so happy with him, or was she just pretending? They arrived at their destination and immediately started gathering the items on their grocery list. They were at the vegetable section, taehyung put a cabbage in their trolley when he saw someone familiar at the far end of the aisle.

He narrowed his eyes at the figure and realised it really was them. Taehyung gave out a small gasp and ran towards that person. He held her arm which startled her. "Mi Cha," he breathed. "Taehyung?" She asked, clearly surprised to see him. "Where is she?" He got straight to the point. "Who?" "You know who," taehyung was irritated. "Y/N, your best friend.

Where is she? There's no way you wouldn't know." Uncertainty flashed across her eyes, "I can't tell you," she said quietly. "Taehyung what is it?" Jin asked from behind him. "Il explain later," he turned back towards the girl. "Mi Cha, please, I need to know. I don't know why she's mad at me or why she hates me but-" "Hates you? God, how can you even think that?" "Then."

for a moment he did not know what to say, "then tell me where she is, I need to talk to her and take out whatever it is that's keeping her from me." Mi Cha shook her head, "I'm so sorry tae, but she can't see you." "Please," he said desperately. "I'm hurting, Mi Cha, a lot, and I have been ever since that night." "Okay," she gave in.

"But I can't tell you here, there's a cafe near this store, Il see you there in ten minutes," taehyung nodded, he was one step closer to Finding Y/N. Taehyung explained what he could to Jin, about Y/N and their relationship, how she had left him then disappeared. Jin's expression turned grave in understanding. He waited in his car outside the cafe while taehyung waited for Mi cha inside.

"Hey," she greeted him in a grim tone, taehyung gave a nod. "Where do I start? Firstly, I should tell you that Y/N loved you. The words she said to you that night hurt her more than they did you."

"Then why.." "One day, when Y/N and I were walking to her house, she suddenly fainted. When she wasn't waking up, her parents took her to the hospital," taehyung was starting to tense up in his chair. No, it can't be.

Mi Cha continued, "the doctors said she didn't have much time left to live, so her parents took her to another city for her treatments to lengthen her life. The day before they left, Y/N finished things. off with you. She knew you loved her and she didn't want to see you in pain.

So, she found a way to make you hate her, at least she thought it would work. She wanted you to move on and live your life happily. That's why she hid this secret from you." Her eyes were moist by the time she finished. "How could she..," taehyung's voice cracked. "How could she think a few words would be enough to sway me?" His voice came out strained. "Is she- is Y/N.." "Dead?" Mi Cha completed his sentence for him.

"No, thankfully no," the relief taehyung felt was indescribable, "She's admitted in a hospital here in Seoul, but she's in a coma. Doctors say it's highly likely that she will not wake up." Taehyung asked her for the name of the hospital and all other details. He didn't want to wait any longer, he asked Jin to drop him at the said hospital.

On arriving there he moved towards her room. He looked through the glass window to find it empty, except for the patient lying on the bed. He nervously went inside and took a seat by her bed. The sight made his eyes water, he clasped a hand on his mouth to drown his sobs.

Y/N looked so weak, her cheeks and eyes had sunken, her skin was ghostly pale and her lips were chapped. He held her bony hand and cried harder. "Please don't leave me," he said between sobs. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding you. Come back To me, please. I love you,"

he got no response from her. From that day onwards he visited her everyday, in
hopes that she would wake up. Until one day, to visit her, he needed to go to
her funeral instead of the hospital. Mi Cha's teary face came in front of him, "please," she cried.

"You have to respect her wishes, she wants you to move on. Do that for her." "How?" His voice was hollow. Nonetheless, he tried. Tried not to think about her, but everything around himn seemed to be attached to her in one way or another. What if I had stopped her that night? What if I hadn't met Mi Cha at the store? What if I had lived on without knowing about her death? All his thoughts were plagued by what ifs.

He supposed it was better that he knew the cold truth, he needed some closure.

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