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The pair made their way back to the warmth of Hogwarts laughing and running. The snow had soaked both of them and they were eager to get warm, plus Draco was now worried about the end of his nose falling off.

"I told you, it's not going to fall off!" Hermione tried to convince him as they raced to the door. She could feel her hair freezing in place.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better!" Draco argued, his hand covering his nose as they plowed through the still falling snow. Hermione rolled her eyes and pushed the door to the castle open. Heat hit them, but it wasn't enough. They were both shivering. They needed fire. "To our dorms!" Draco shouted dramatically, arm raised like he was commanding an army. Hermione nodded her agreement and the two tore through the castle towards their dorms with chattering teeth.

Paintings and tapestries glared at them as they caused a ruckus through the halls. Hermione was panting by the time they reached the painting of Paris and Helen that hid the entrance to their quarters. This time they were fighting about Helen cheating on Paris with a knight in another tapestry on the other side of the castle. Helen of Troy wasn't exactly known for her fidelity.

"Honestly, you think I'd cheat on you with a metal head? You've got be joking."

"Well then where did you go last night?"

"I don't think that's any of your business." Helen pouted.

Paris looked upset. "Fine. Then I'm going to see Guinevere."

"Arthur's Guinevere?" gasped Helen.

"Yes! I should have never taken you away from Troy you spoiled, lying, cheat-"

"PARIS, SHUT UP!" Draco and Hermione yelled the password simultaneously, unable to take the bickering between the two lovers any more. The wall vanished to reveal the corridor that led to their common room.

"Heat. Heat. Heat. I need heat." Chattered Hermione as she dashed towards the bright fire in their common room with Draco right behind her. That bright warmth was the only thing on her mind as they entered the warm room. They both stood directly in front of the fire and Hermione wrung out her now melting hair. It wasn't enough. Her sweater held in freezing water that she was desperate to get off of her skin. She looked over at Draco who was already pulling his jumper over his head once more. If he could do it, so could she. She kicked off her shoes and socks and with numb fingers pulled her red sweater off over her head, leaving her in her still soaking blue jeans and a white camisole.

That was when Draco saw it. Lace. Dark violet lace. Hermione's camisole was wet and clung to her. Since when had she looked like that? Draco's mind reeled. He'd known that she'd filled out, but for the most part she hid the changes her body had gone through rather well. Not anymore. Her waist was thin, but sloped into lovely shaped hips, but Draco's attention was focused on a higher region of Hermione's body. Lace. He saw lace. He'd never expected Hermione to be the lace type; he'd expected her to be boring and practical, but there it was, staring him in the face. Okay, not really. He couldn't see that much. He saw the straps, as her camisole was merely spaghetti strapped and the dark violet straps of her bra weren't covered, and he saw the rest through her camisole. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

Hermione didn't even notice this inspection. She was determined to not look at him. She knew he had his shirt off. She knew the kind of reaction that brought about in her. Focused on the fire, Hermione held out her hands to the blazing heat and ignored Draco completely. However, she still had not stopped shivering.


She looked at him. Mistake number one.

"Hermione, you're freezing."

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