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Hermione walked alone to the Quidditch pitch in the cool March weather before what was bound to be the most epic match of the season: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Her locket sparkled in the bright sunlight, perfectly matching the purple sweater she had received from Mrs. Weasley. She wore it for two reasons; the first being that it was a completely neutral color between the two houses competing (which she could get away with being Head girl as she was supposed to be neutral in a sense), and the second being that it was Draco's absolute favorite thing for her to wear. Completely torn, Hermione mulled over her options: root for Gryffindor, root for Draco, root for no one... Well, the third option was out, for Hermione had always been quite the Quidditch enthusiast despite her lack of flying ability. No matter who she was cheering for, she was going to end up yelling at someone. Of course she wanted Gryffindor to do well; Harry and Ginny were her some of her closest friends... Ron? Not so much anymore, but Harry was practically her brother. However, Draco was her boyfriend... of course she wanted him to succeed as well. Hermione groaned and dropped her head in her hands.

This was going to be impossible. If Gryffindor won, Draco would be inconsolable. If Slytherin won, Draco would be thrilled, but Harry and Ginny would be miserable (not to mention that the Slytherins would become even more incorrigible than ususal). The cliché about a rock and a hard place? This was it. Hermione slowly made her way up into the stands with the rest of the Gryffindors. Whoever she cheered for, there was no way she was sitting with the Slytherins. Maybe she could just cheer for Draco on the inside... Taking the seat next to Lavender (who had grown much more tolerable after she and Ron had split), Hermione waited as patiently as she could for the match to start. Lavender made small talk with her, mainly asking about her secret admirer (whose identity still somehow remained unknown to everyone but she and ginny).

Hermione groaned inwardly to herself as the teams took to the field; she watched as her boyfriend and her best friend bitterly shook hands before mounting their brooms. Madame Hooch opened up the trunk containing the Quidditch balls, and Hermione cringed slightly as the game started. The snitch quickly disappeared into the sky before Madame Hooch had even released the bludgers and thrown up the quaffle. Hermione had nearly forgotten how aggressive Ginny played Quidditch; the second the Quaffle was in the air Ginny had lunged forward on her broom and stolen it right out from underneath Theodore Nott's nose. The Gryffindor side erupted in cheers as Ginny passed the quaffle to Demelza Robins who scored an easy goal on a very frustrated looking Blaise. Hermione cheered along with her fellow Gryffindors, but kept her eyes on Draco who was soaring high above the pitch in a circuitous route while looking out for the snitch. Hermione shuddered, remembering how she had hurtled through the air toward the ground on this pitch just a few months before; she smiled as she remembered what her last thought had been before she lost consciousness.

I'm going to die a virgin.

Now she was proud that that was still the truth. She refused to be a commonplace whore like Ronald had implied nearly a month before. Sure, she and Draco had done a lot, but she was saving that experience for something special. They'd only been dating for about two months; she wasn't just going to give it up that easily. Oh no. Draco was going to have to work for it. A few thousand-dollar pieces of jewelry and sweet words? It was enough to get her to go willingly to his bed and let him utterly destroy her and build her back up again with his hands and that oh-so-talented tongue of his, but not really go all the way. Now, declaring his love in front of the entire student body? That would be shag worthy, but there was no possibility of that happening. Not ever. Though, she had to admit she was tempted. Extremely tempted. They did, after all, share a dormitory and go completely unsupervised all of the time they were together. Only earlier that day she had found herself in a compromising position.

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