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Hermione came back around one in the morning through the fireplace to find Draco sleepily waiting up for her on the couch. A smile broke onto her face when she saw him. "It worked."

Draco raised his eyebrows, fighting to keep his eyes open. "Your spell?" Hermione nodded excitedly and snuggled up next to him on the couch. "So can you tell me what it is yet?"

"No, it has to go through the Ministry's experimental charms department and get approved for general use before anyone can know." Hermione sighed and closed her eyes as Draco draped his arm around her. She smiled. "Did you tell anyone?"

"Ginny and Blaise knew it was happening tonight. Blaise owled, but I think Ginny is waiting for you to tell her before she tells the rest of her family."

"I'll tell her as soon as I phone Mum and Dad in the morning," Hermione yawned tiredly and Draco smirked.

"I think it's time for bed," Draco pointed out as Hermione tried to stifle another yawn. Shifting slightly on the couch, Draco slid his arms under her and hoisted her up. He began to make his way back to their bedroom, taking caution not to let her head hit anything. Surprisingly, Hermione was far too tired to put up a fight. Draco looked down at her in his arms quizzically, "How long has it been since you've really slept?"

She blushed furiously. "It's been a few nights." Draco frowned as he pushed the door open. "It's just... I was so consumed with this project at work and I knew something was up this week with you, and I couldn't turn my brain off." He gave her a look. "I know, I know. It's not healthy," she smiled sweetly up at him, "but I'll sleep like a baby..." she yawned, "tonight." Draco simply shook his head as he laid her on the bed. She was still wearing the clothes he had proposed to her in. Draco pulled his wand out and transfigured her clothes into racy lingerie.


"Fine, fine."

Draco waved the wand again and Hermione was dressed in soft cotton shorts and a matching tank top.

"I love you," she mumbled as she pulled the duvet up around her shoulders.

"I gathered that. It's why you're marrying me," Draco smirked and pulled off his shirt.

"Maybe," Hermione mumbled as she turned over to face him. "But it's a good chance that I'm marrying you for your abs."

He shrugged. "That's fine. I'm marrying you for your money."

After a moment of silence the couple burst into laughter and finished getting ready for bed.

A month had passed since Draco proposed. Of course, nearly everyone was thrilled for them. Her mother had cried, her father had shaken Draco's hand in a very masculine way, and Ginny had squealed and then promptly scolded Hermione for missing the first time Draco had proposed. The Wizarding World entered a mild uproar when the news got out.

Malfoy Heir to Marry Muggleborn Member of the Golden Trio

Everyone in the community knew, and everyone wanted an invitation to what was sure to be one of the most important marriages since the war ended.

Needless to say, a date was picked and wedding plans were well underway. In fact, the wedding date had been set for sooner rather than later. Feeling sentimental, Draco and Hermione had decided to have their wedding on Christmas Eve. It was a rush, but with Draco happily throwing his father's money around on a wedding his father would never approve of, things were falling into place accordingly and in record time.

The only wizard wedding Hermione had attended was that of Bill and Fleur, and she wasn't sure if it had been very traditional considering it had been done in the middle of one of the most chaotic periods in wizarding history. As usual, she felt an overwhelming amount of pressure to make sure this was perfect, but there was something more important about this. This was her wedding. This was her wedding to Draco Malfoy and everyone would be watching. Of course, Draco told her to screw traditionalism and ritual and custom and do whatever she wanted. If she hadn't had Ginny to help her along, Hermione swore that she would have imploded.

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