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"Hermione! You look wonderful!" squealed Ginny in delight as she practically tackled her friend. "And that sweater! Mum really outdid herself this year. It's the perfect color for you and it fits like a glove!" Hermione blushed at Ginny's outburst. Per Draco's request, she had worn the sweater that Mrs. Weasley had knit for her after much coercing that morning. The deep plum color brought out the warm browns in her hair and eyes and provided a nice contrast to her rosy pink skin. As she had foreseen, the sweater was a bit tight and clung to her curves. She pulled at the fabric uncomfortably, trying to raise the neckline so that it didn't feel so low.

Draco said that was his favorite part.

"A very tight glove." Hermione mumbled in response, but she gamely returned Ginny's hug with a smile. "I missed you, Ginny. How was your Christmas?"

Ginny practically glowed. "I was hoping you would ask!" She lowered her voice to that of a whisper. "Harry finally made a move! After all this time, he finally made a move again!"

Hermione was elated for her friend. She wished that she could tell Ginny about Draco, but knew that it would be foolish. Ginny would never approve. "I'm so happy for you, Ginny! Tell me all about it later." Hermione wisely prompted her friend, knowing that the girl would go on for hours and hours about the event. She quickly greeted the boys, giving Harry and Ron hugs, though Ron tried to hold on a little too long for her comfort. She quickly returned to Ginny and the two made their way up to Ginny's room to unpack her things from Christmas break. The second the door closed Ginny started in on her story. Like Hermione predicted, a half hour had passed before Ginny had so much as taken a breath. She was nearly finished completely unpacking before she asked Hermione the questions she had been waiting for.

"So how was your holiday? Was Malfoy dreadful?"

Hermione shrugged enigmatically. "My holiday was rather uneventful. Malfoy wasn't too terrible. We pretty much avoided each other." She made sure to use Draco's last name to make it sound like they weren't friends, much less her boyfriend.

"That was smart of yo- Oh my MERLIN! Hermione, that locket!" Hermione's hand went protectively to her necklace. She should have known that Ginny would notice. "Who gave it to you!? It's beautiful! And it matches your sweater and what I gave you!"

Hermione shot her a glare. "Ginny, I should have killed you for that present!"

"Don't lie to yourself. You loved it. Now tell me about the locket!" prodded Ginny.

"Oh..." Hermione blushed as she looked at the locket and tried to think quickly. "Uhm... I don't know who gave it to me." She mentally kicked herself. stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Ginny's eyes suddenly sparkled. "Like a secret admirer!?"

Another enigmatic shrug from Hermione. "I guess..."

Ginny resembled a child on Christmas morning with this newfound piece of information. "How exciting! You might get to use my present earlier than I thought!" Ginny grinned teasingly at Hermione. "I wonder who it is! I wonder if it's real... it looks real... and expensive. Goodness. It's about time, Hermione. I mean, you're beautiful! I can't believe you haven't been asked out sooner! I wonder what he looks like."

"Ginny!" Hermione interrupted. "He hasn't asked me out... he just sent me a necklace..."

"Was there a note?"

"uhm..." Hermione searched for another lie. She disliked this. "There was, but it disappeared after I read it."

"What did it say?" Ginny practically begged her.

"It said... ah, it said, 'Hermione, I hope one day you'll give me your heart in exchange for this one. Until you're ready, I can wait.'" Huh, she mused. This lying thing was coming easier for her.

All They Want For Christmas...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz