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"Students of Hogwarts," Dumbledore bellowed, his wand tip pointed against his neck, "I have an announcement to make." The low rumble of voices that usually filled the hall during dinner quickly died down as the student body averted their attention to the Headmaster. "As you all know, this past year has been a year of new beginnings and celebration. With the threat of Voldemort gone, the Ministry has decided to instate a new holiday. With this new tradition, we teachers have decided that it is time for Hogwarts to have a new tradition as well to celebrate the defeat of the dark lord." Dumbledore paused and the students looked at each other anxiously. "In two weeks and a half weeks, on April 15, Hogwarts will be holding its first Annual Celebration Ball."

The silence that had reigned supreme in the hall quickly vanished as the students broke into excited chatter about Hogwarts having a Ball. "Silence!" Dumbledore's voice rang out again over the hall and the students sheepishly stopped talking. "This will be a formal occasion for Fourth through Seventh years. First, Second, and Third years will have a separate event. A date is not mandatory to attend, though to promote school unity, we encourage dates to be brought. In fact, our own Heads of House will be attending this dance together as examples." Jaws dropped throughout the hall, including those of the Head Boy and Girl, and Pansy glared heavily at Draco. "Now, now, students. Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy had no prior knowledge of this. They shall also open the dance together, much like was done at the Yule Ball in the year that the TriWizard Tournament was held here. We hope that this ball will not only prove as a celebration, but as a wonderful distraction from the studying we know our fifth and seventh year students will be doing for O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S." Dumbledore smiled, "The Hex Girls shall be providing the musical entertainment for the night and Dinner will also be provided. Now, you may chat amongst yourselves."

Ginny quickly turned to a very pale faced Hermione excitedly, "Hermione! Can you believe it!? We're going to have a ball!" Hermione mustered up a smile for her friend.

"Yeah, except I have to go with Draco..." she mumbled.

"Oh no, Hermione!" Lavender chimed in, mistaking Hermione's reason for sounding unexcited. "This would have been the perfect opportunity for your secret admirer to reveal himself! Oh wow, how romantic would that have been..."

"Yeah..." Hermione muttered "Romantic..."

"We all have to go shopping!" Ginny squealed to distract everyone from Hermione's sour mood. The conversations quickly turned to dresses and shoes and hair and away from Hermione. She shot Ginny a grateful glance and sneaked a peak across the Great Hall to where Draco was sitting with Blaise, Pansy, and Co. He looked even more pale than usual and Pansy looked rather animated, and not in the happy little chipmunk animated, more like wicked witch about to kill someone animated...

"I can't believe you have to go with that filthy little mudblood." Pansy spat. Draco felt too astonished to respond. He and Hermione got to go the Ball together... Sure, it was forced, but still... he didn't have to go with Pansy. He'd have to hear her bitch about it for the next two and a half weeks, but he wouldn't have to go with her. Wouldn't have to dance with her. There. Is. A. God. "I mean, you're so above her. You should be allowed to go with whomever you want. Someone who's among your caliber. Honestly, she's not even that attract-"

"Shut up, Pansy." Draco looked up, surprised that it was Blaise who had been speaking. She narrowed her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You're annoying everyone, Pansy. Draco is going with Hermione to the Ball. There's nothing you can do about it. Get over it and stop embarrassing yourself." Blaise answered in a particularly bored tone. Pansy huffed, but said nothing further. Draco shot Blaise an appreciative look. It was going to be a very long two and a half weeks.

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