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Friday February 14: Valentine's Day. Everyone had been in an uproar all week about the holiday that had finally arrived.

Early that morning, Hermione, with a bit of help from Dobby, crept into Draco's bedroom. She hardly believed that she was doing this, but here she was, dressed in a floor length, plum silk slip of a nightgown carrying a breakfast tray into her boyfriend's room. She had thought Blaise a bit crazy when he had suggested this as Draco's Valentine's Day present, but then Blaise told her that Draco had three favorite things in this world: breakfast in bed, women in bed, and silk. Hermione remained as silent as possible as she set down the tray laden with French toast sprinkled with powdered sugar, scrambled eggs, a bit of fruit, and milk on Draco's bedside table. Dobby had helped her with a spell that would make it nigh impossible for her to tip anything over on the tray, for which she was eternally grateful.

Draco slept in the very middle of his large bed, a fact that Hermione found extremely typical. He would be a bed hog. Hermione took a deep, silent breath before lifting the edge of his duvet and sliding into the bed beside him. She slowly inched over across the silk sheets so that she wouldn't wake Draco as she gradually snuggled up against him; he was a surprisingly heavy sleeper, though once she was successfully nestled up against him, he unconsciously turned into her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Hermione smiled and closed her eyes; she could stand to get a little bit more sleep that morning...

The last thing Draco expected that morning was to wake up next to a warm body with the smell of sweet, berry shampoo filling his nostrils. And not just any warm body, a body covered in a flimsy silk slip that he could probably rip off with a nice little tug. After he had woken up for a moment and gotten his bearings, Draco grinned. He couldn't imagine a more perfect present as his eyes landed on the breakfast Hermione had brought, still warm due to spells performed by the house elves. Draco reminded himself to thank Blaise an ungodly amount later before smiling at the sleeping beauty next to him. He gently brushed her hair off of her neck and slid the strap of her slip off of her shoulder. His lips slowly met the skin right behind her ear and continued to travel down her neck and over her shoulder; Hermione's sleeping form rewarded him with a soft moan, and he continued to let his lips travel a little ways down her arm before moving back up to her shoulder and neck.

Hermione awoke with a moan in her throat and a tingling feeling pooling in her lower back. She registered where she was before she registered the arm around her and the lips pressing scorching kisses against her skin. She couldn't help the goosebumps that broke out on her body, or the fact that she started to shake as Draco continued to shower her shoulders, neck, and back with kisses while his arm pulled her closer to his body, her back against his chest. Hermione gasped Draco's name as he gently set his teeth into her neck. "Good morning, Love," he said in a husky voice that made her whole body shudder. He wrapped a leg around her. Hermione couldn't speak; she only managed a small gasping noise inbetween a moan and a whimper. "I'll take that as a 'Happy Valentine's Day, Draco. Please ravish me now.'" She nodded weakly, unable to form a coherent sentence. Draco pulled her shoulder down and straddled her, letting his lips graze her throat which vibrated with soft sighs. Hermione's chest rose and fell with her sporadic breaths as Draco lowered his body onto hers, feeling the heat of her body through the thin silk that separated their skin.

Hermione's fingers gripped the sheets tightly as Draco's lips traversed her body. His hands moved across her flat stomach as his lips traveled the fabric along the deep neckline of her slip. Her back arched, and she wrapped her leg around Draco's waist. He tore his lips away from where they were ravishing her collarbone and finally met her own. Hermione's whole body felt like it was on fire; she thought she might explode at any moment, and she couldn't even explain it. If he could do this to her without really touching her... she shuddered to think of what he could do when given full reign over her tender flesh. His tongue dove into her mouth, and Hermione released her grip on the sheets to dig her fingernails into his back, causing Draco to groan into her mouth as he thoroughly explored it with his own. They could have continued, and would have, had Draco's stomach not picked that moment to protest about the food sitting right next to them that was not being eaten. The snarl of his stomach, coupled with the intimacy of their situation caused Hermione to burst into a fit of laughter, ruining the moment. Draco groaned and rolled off of her. "Really, Hermione?" Her continued giggles answered him. "Ridiculous." He shook his head and glared at his own stomach.Traitor!

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