Chapter 19 - The Redemption-Ish Arc

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A/N: The full name of this chapter is "The Redemption-Ish Arc for a Maybe Good Possibly Bad Person with Possibly Evil Intentions and Might Be Using Me to Take Over the Whole Kingdom and Might Kill My Sisters That I Might Like Or Not... What Could Ever Go Wrong" and please refer to it as so :) 

For legal reasons that is a joke. 

"Hey. Hey?" 

Sound came back to me before anything else. Sound in an endless void of darkness that just seemed to follow me every single corner I turned. 

The voice wasn't gentle, perhaps the opposite. Sickingly sweet, as if coating the bitter truth in something far deeper then what actually met the eye. It was lying, straight out lying, but since it was the only sound I could hear, no matter how cold it was, I reached for it. 

The feeling in my arms and legs came in next, why did they feel different? Cold and unfamiliar, almost as if they had been disconnected from my body and replaced with whole diffrent ones. They were trapped under something, maybe trying to give warmth or maybe to hide something from someone. 


I tested it, moving my fingers, brushing the fabic I could now identify as a blanket. Soon the feeling of a mattress formed under me before I could finally force my eyes to flutter open. 

The door swung shut as the blinding rays of the light filtered in though the glass windows. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light, still blinking slightly to rid of my tiredness that had settled on them.  Whoever was in the room must've left, the room was completely empty. 

Where was I? 


The walls shook. 


I fell out of bed. 


The door flew open. 

A lady stumbled in, the musty smell of perfume wafted into the room. She looked up at me on the floor, and a pale smile streched over her. 

"Draco, darling. Just in time." Lady Jane said, that honey covered lying voice falling out of her lips that remained in a horrible, counterfit smile. 


I was out of bed sooner then I'd like, a stiff cape fitted around my shoulders. Lady Jane had guided me in front of a mirror so I could study my ruby eyes as she brushed my hair. 

It didnt deafen me from the screaming from within and outside the castle walls, everything still shaking every so often. No matter how many times I asked about what was going on and what happened, Lady Jane would shush me. 

It could have been familiar, her protecting me as she'd always done... (had she?), and she was always going to tell me everything... (but what if everything she didn't?). I had never hidden anything from her... 

I took a deep breath and raised my eyes from my own to Lady Janes. 

So why is she hiding things fom me? 

That thought even shocked myself. I had never doubted Lady Jane... so what had changed? What happened from when I fell asleep to when I woke back up. 

"Where's Philip?" 

The question comes tumbling out of me before I could hold it back. I could feel Lady Jane stop for a moment before continuing to thread a brush through my hair. 

"He's in the kitchen at the moment." 

Knock on the door. 


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