Chapter 4 - Feint and Faint

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I enter the large room, and look around. It was long with a small elevated part on the end. (Lady Jane called it a stage) Torches lined the walls, the only source of light in this almost-windowless castle. The room was packed full to the brim with different monsters.

Lady Jane stood up front on the small 'stage', with Philip beside her. His eyes seemed empty and lifeless, but one look at Lady Jane and I knew it was not time to talk about it.

Lady Jane clapped her hands together and everyone turned to face her.

"Good afternoon everyone! I'm sure you are all ready for some action finally?" Lady Jane asked, a wide smile on her face. Everyone in the room cheered loudly.

"I'm glad! Now, two things that will be different today. Number One, Draco will be sharing with you a plan that he has created instead of me. Number Two, since the princesses know about my true nature, I will be accompanying you in battle. I will also be acting as a nurse, with healing potions at the ready. If you need assistance, just seek me."

The room murmured in agreement, with a mix of grunts and groans. They could understand us, and they could understand each other, yet... we could not understand them at all.

Just like me and my sisters.

As Lady Jane talked, I noticed the room was becoming more and more foggy. I blinked a few times, thinking it was just a trick of the light, but now that you mentioned it... my head was spinning more than usual.

I tried to step out of the hall, but as soon as my feet moved, the whole world launched forward. I could hardly think straight.

"And now, Draco will share his plan with you all! Give him your fullest attention."

The numerous grunts and howls did not help subside the headache. I tried to force a smile and step to where Lady Jane was standing.

"Evening... everyone. As you know... I am here to talk about the plan launching against my s-s-silly sisters castle.... and I'm honoured to... have such a..."

At this point, I have to stop and take a deep breath. The world was spinning so much now, I could hardly tell what was what. It all seemed like an massive blur of colour, mixing and swirling together.

"Draco? Drac-"

Lady Janes voice was cut off, and I found myself plummeting to the floor, before hitting darkness.

Then... light?

My eyes reopened in a white... a white room. Endless white stretched above and below me. To my right and to my left. Feathers seemed to appears from the sky and float down, before resting upon an invisible floor.

Ah, this place.

I stand up, and take a deep breath in. My mind was clear, and my soul felt... free. It was like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders and launched away into oblivion.


It has been a while since I have been here, but I missed it.


Like ripples in a pond, she materializes out of thin air. A relieved smile spreads across her face and she pulls me in for a warm hug.

Everything Lady Jane told me, everything we had done against the Krewdom, it all melted away.

This. This is were I was suppose to be.

"How are you Draco?"

Through the reflection of her blue eyes, I can see my green, pure eyes staring back at me.

My eyes.

"I wish I could say well... we are launching an attack on the Krewdom soon."

A look of worry flashes in my sisters eyes, and she tucks a lock of hair away behind her ear.

"That's bad. By this point you outnumber the Krewdom two to one. I'll let Gold know about this."

"I'll let Gold know about this?"

"Funneh... what are you talking about. Your dead. The only one you can talk to is my soul, because I'm trapped."

She avoids my eyes, and her eyes follow a white feather drift onto the floor. She looks up at me.

"Funneh... what are you not telling me?"

She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Draco. I'm alive. I'm very much alive."

A beat of silence.

"Eh- what are you talking about?" Mixed emotions come back... most of them... are negative?

"They found me, and they saved me."

I close my eyes, and a low growl emits through my throat.


I open my eyes and glare at the pathetic excuse for my sister. Funneh takes a step back, her eyes wide open. She looks scared, she should be. Wait... what am I doing?


"Your lying to me! Your trying to make me weak again!"

I turn away, but I feel a warm hand touch my shoulder. I brush it off and start to walk away. As if I was a child who was just told to put the candy away. A sinking feeling starts to form in my chest, as if it was a black hole, sucking all the life and happiness out of my heart and mind.

"Draco listen to me!"

I hear her pleading, pathetic cries. Telling me to listen, to come back, for me to talk it out with her. Yeah right, as if we could pour some tea and discuss about her death.

The death that I CREATED.

I snap.


My sister shatters, like broken glass. The shards of glass fall down the the floor and break more. Tears spring in my eyes as I run to the pile of glass.

I can see my reflection.

I can see my red eyes.

"No no no no no no no! This can't be happening... this can't be real! Please don't be real..."

I rub my eyes, and look back at the reflection. But all I can see is the two red eyes staring back at me.

Suddenly my reflection mouths:

"It's too late for you now Draco."

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