Weaponz (-)

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Anyways, I got this idea from LoveSickAcid , so please go check em out!

Now as for weapons

Sketch = although I do like the pencil she has in every padlock fan art/fanfic from 2014 til 2016, it doesn't really fit her style. So, I think she'd mostly be using either a chainsaw or a giant pair of scissors. Or just choke people with glitter, I can see them doing that as well
Tony = time sword, obv. He has it in every padlock fanart/fanfic, but I'm mostly referring to the one he has in the 25 Lives series on AO3 (which btw, you should totally go read, it's one of my favourite fanfics evah). I also like to imagine he's able to split the one big sword in 6 smaller swords so he can use em in all 6 of his hands
Shrignold = haven't really decided yet, I think either a bow of some sort, because it would be handy with all of his arms, and with the whole Cupid and love thing, but i can also see him just using a straight up fucking scythe
Gilbert = poisonous plants probs, maybe some special carnivorous plants that are 10 times bigger than usual (like the ones in mario)
Colin/Lucy = both just straight up electrocute people, maybe Colin strangle em with his limbs?? Dunno
Food gang = all have their own kitchen gear, which ranges from frying pans a la Tangled, to big ass cleavers (I think that' s what they're called, those big knives). Also, Spinach Can drugs people, and the monster can twins have these hella cool stomach mouths with a bunch of teeth n shit
Lamp = doesn't really have any weapons, just nightmares n stuff. Might throw a bottle at someone (empty ofc, wouldn't want perfectly fine beer to go to waste)
Harry = dunno y, but I always imagined him with a hammer. Just bashing someone's brains out (the irony)
Robin = g u n
Doi = he's like 9 so I highly doubt he would ever hurt someone, but if he would, I think a small dagger r something, or just throw the nearest object (preferably not a teacher)
(mean) Steve (hey guess we"re including him now cuz I kinda forgot he existed tbh)(his song is one of my favourites though)= strangles people with chains, maybe a hammer as well?

Yeah this was a bit of a ramble, might do relationships next cuz I have a bunch of Shit stored for that

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