Coincidence (X)

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So this idea is loosely based on the "25 lives" series on AO3 (archive of our own). If you've been following me for a while, you know how much I love the series. There are some specific chapters I based this au on, but I recommend reading the entire thing to get the full experience !!


This contains Harry and Robin going full dad mode on Doi btw

Another thing that I should add, is that the trio already know the teachers names, and what their human forms look like, unlike my main au, and vice versa

Larry doesn't do shit btw

There's also a bit of fluffybird, but it's mostly them being idiots who aren't good at realising how gay they are for each other lmao

Also swearing ahead, but you probably already expected it from me


It was about 6 months after the lessons that things started happening.

It started off small. They got rid of all clocks in their house, fearing they might come to live, and they still had the image of rotting flesh burned in their minds. This meant it was a bit difficult to keep track of the time, but thankfully, there was a big clocktower near their house, who chimed every hour. Harry, who was getting ready for going out to go grocery shopping, called downstairs to Robin and Doi, who were sitting on the couch. "Do any of you happen to know the time? The store closes at 5."

Before Doi could answer, Robin replied with a "It's a few seconds away from 4 'o clock!" Right after the words left his mouth, his eyes widened, and he looked at Doi with a mix of confusion and panic. Doi didn't even have time to reply, before the clocktower chimed 4 times. Harry, who had meanwhile made his way downstairs, looked at Robin on the couch, who was still seconds away from having a panic attack.

They brushed it off as a coincidence, and forgot about it.

The next time it happened, it was a few days later, when the trio were sitting outside. It was a sunny day, which would've been perfect if it weren't for all the butterflies fluttering around their garden. Robin had decided it was his responsibility of keeping the bugs away from Doi, who wasn't too keen on them. While distracted by chasing one of them away with his trusty flyswatter (and a bunch of "pesky bee!"s under his breath), Robin didn't notice one of the insects was getting close to Doi. Harry had headed back inside to grab a glass of water, and Robin was on the other side of the garden, so Doi was all alone with the butterfly. He scrambled back against a wall, already feeling tears coming up. The butterfly got closer. In a last attempt to safe himself (or at least he thought, the butterfly really did not mean any harm), Doi managed to produce a small "Leave me alone!". To his surprise (and also to Harry and Robins, who were already on their way to help their small french fry child), the butterfly turned around, and flew back over the hedge.

They brushed it off as a coincidence, a bit more hesitant this time.

The third time it happened was with Harry. The three of them were sitting on the couch, late in the night, watching tv. It was the show Harry and Robin usually watched when Doi was asleep, but they decided that, since it was obvious none of them were gonna age, it was a bit useless to use the "when you're older" excuse (besides, it's not like Doi slept anyways). Not even 3 minutes into the show, the electricity started flickering, and died out. Robin cursed under his breath, with Harry immediately putting his hands on Doi's ears, giving Robin the death stare (no one was going to curse in front of his small yellow child, not even his rude housemate). Robin grumbled, and walked out the front door, using his feathered hands to navigate himself through the house. He returned shortly after, with the news that the electricity died out in the entire neighbourhood, and probably wasn't going to be fixed until tomorrow. Harry was not too happy with this, since he was a big fan of his murder mystery shows, and when he missed an episode on one of his shows, his mood was ruined for at least the next week.

DHMIS stuff - oneshots, headcanons and bullshitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora