Tea Party (X)

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Idk man I was bored

Yeah this is a lot shorter than my usual works and I did not write any script for this whatsoever so uh yeah

Also this is mainly murder so expect murder

(On a more serious note, someone gets hanged in this fic, and although it only appears for a brief moment, im still putting a warning here)

Robin woke up at exactly 5:55 am, 5 minutes before curfew ended and Tony was going to forcefully wake everyone up. He rose, stretching his arms in front of him, yawning. He could see the vague red shape to his right getting out of bed, most likely claiming the bathroom before the other 2 could. Robin got out of bed as well, and walked over to the large wardrobe in the corner of the room, giving the bump under the covers a quick tap when walking past him. Doi stirred, mumbling something. Robin turned around, tapping again, a bit harder this time. This seemed to motivate the boy, as he slipped off the bed, falling to the soft carpet with a thump. He never had been a morning person, and Tony moving in had not helped whatsoever.

Robin looked back at the wardrobe, looking through his outfits. Green was out of the question, and all his white shirts had turned a soft pink, due to the constant blood stains. He ended up going with a simple beige button up, with dark jeans and a red scarf Red had given him for his birthday to complement the duller colors. He heard the bathroom door behind him open again, with the monotone voice of his roommate announcing that the bathroom was available for the next person. Robin grabbed his comb and headed to the bathroom, leaving Red behind to help prepare Doi for the day.


Robin left the room, some water still dripping of his feathers. He gave them a last quick ruffle, and tossed the hairbrush to Doi. He walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge, and looked at the clock. Two more minutes. The duck took this opportunity to grab his current journal and write down the date. Red stood next to him. "You have one for every day, right?" Robin nodded. It had started as a way to cope with his memory problems, but it had sort of turned into a personal habit of his, especially since the teachers joined them. Red picked one of them up and started flipping through it, sometimes resting on certain pages. There'd be an hint of a smile on his face every now and then. "This is from that one time we went shopping...o, this is at the zoo...and the movies...the theme park...and this was when we went to the beach, before all of this happened..."

They stayed like this for a few, perfect moments. But those don't last long here.

Red had just put the small leather-bound book back in the drawer of Robin's nightstand, the one Robin had been writing in joining, when the bathroom door opened, Doi exiting, his blue messy hair now a bit more presentable. He threw his pajamas on his bed, and looked at the clock in the room. "He's late..." he muttered, looking at his friends. Robin and Red exchanged looks. That's not good. If Tony was late, he was most likely dead, meaning that one of the teachers was on a murder spree, meaning that whoever it was this time, was most likely going to go annoy the other teachers, meaning that said annoyed teacher would probably also get the feeling for murder, together with a just revived Tony, meaning that eventually, all the teaches would either be murdered or murdering. And there was a pretty big chance that the three would end up as victims as well.

Red huffed, and sat down on Robin's bed as well. "It's best to wait for one of them to come get us. I'm not really enjoying the idea of Tony being even more pissed off at us for going outside before he has ended curfew." Doi shrugged, joining Red and Robin. "Maybe we can play something while we wait?" Red nodded. "Not too loud, don't want to agitate them"


After playing a few rounds of monopoly, Red winning most of them, quite some time had passed, as it was now 8:43 am, and no one still had woken them up. Not only that, but the house had been eerily silent. Too silent for this house in particular. Not even the overwhelming scent of paint and blood was creeping through the walls. It put all three of them on edge, and their growing hunger wasn't helping. "Should we get food?" Doi whispered. Robin shook his head. "No, that sounds like a bad idea. I wouldn't be too surprised if there's a trap waiting for us in the kitchen". They had stopped playing, and Red was putting the board game back on the desk. "I agree with Robin, going downstairs sounds like a bad idea. Maybe I'll go up to the attic to see if the loaf of bread i stored there some days ago is still there" the redhead said, walking back to the two. Robin looked up, worried. "Are you sure?" Red nodded slightly. "If I don't come back in 15 minutes, stay silent and go hide. Maybe they've had enough fun and will leave you two alone". He gave Doi a quick pat on the head, and opened the door, disappearing into the dark hallway and closing the door behind him.

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