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I am ill.
My body is failing me and my mind is soon to be next,
I can feel it in my veins,
The toxin leaking and dripping into my limbs.
Joints tight,
Lungs tighter.
My tongue has become the main victim,
Plagued with destruction and things doctors would be shocked by.
I can not speak with my mind,
The truth turns into lies,
then into lines of some wicked sonnet
that I keep on breaking down,
Deconstructing the words
The similes
My myths and my fate,
I have written a divine tragedy from my sickened mind
Driven by what I desire,
The antidote that I will travel so far just to feel it drip onto my tongue and soothe the ache.
I would break all bones,
Just to be near.
But once again I am ill,
Sick and twisted by my own fabrications,
I can not think with true facts or feelings
Hallucination has become my reality,
Nearly impossible to stop bending the truth and to finally face life,
unable to have knowledge of sincerity.
I can not trust anything I feel,
I cant not trust me,
But I want to trust you.

a letter to apolloWhere stories live. Discover now