stuck in mud

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stuck in mud

Removing you from my life would make people say I'm being 'dramatic',
if I call you out on your shit I'm being 'unreasonable'?

How is it that in this situation where everyone agrees that I was the one hurt the most that I'm the one stuck in mud waving a my flag celebrating my freedom, you wave back claiming you agree by sending snide messages and related content that is in regards to them, but as soon as I turn my back you stand their waving theirs.

How do I end this phoney war?

I don't not wish to try and make 'peace' with them, well peace for them would be me shutting my mouth and pretending like it didn't happen, and I will never do that.

As though they now think about that situation with cockiness and ego, I remember a little girl choking on pills trying to run away from it all.

She will not be left in the mud.

She is worth the fight, you chose the wrong side of the war.

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