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Sweet Pea's POV

After high school I continued to stay with my family, The Serpents. I went to college in Riverdale because it was my home and I couldn't leave the only family I have. Fangs stayed her as well at Toni went away to college but she came back to run the serpents. With Jones we don't know what to do because of that book he wrote. We had to live on the Northside due to the Ghoulies taking our turf so the Northside is our new turf. I had a nice enough house rather than a trailer. I was starting to drink more because I still haven't found a love life until we heard 2 serpents die in a car crash. They had a 2 day old baby and went up for adoption through the serpents since that child is a serpent by blood. 

Toni- Sweet Pea did you here about that family

Sweet Pea- Yeah 

Toni- I know you have been looking for a kid and they had a 2 day old waiting to have a home

Sweet Pea- I heard about that I was actually going to go talk with Chloe 

Chloe was like Penny Peabody but a Ghoulie charmer. She is a serpent and always has been just acts like a Ghoulie. I went to her office to talk to her since she is in-charge of all the adoptions. 

Chloe- Sweet Pea what could I do for you 

Sweet Pea- I was looking in adopting someone

Chloe- Really okay we have 3 girls and 3 boys. What gender 

Sweet Pea- Lets do a girl 

Chloe- Okay let me go get their paperwork so you could look at them 

She went into the back room to get them and I looked through them. One I thought I would get mad her so I decided not to. I kept eyeballing this one. 

Sweet Pea- Whats the story on this one

Chloe- Izzy is our newest. She is the one who survived that car crash

Sweet Pea- Thats her

Chloe- Yeah she came in this morning 

Sweet Pea- When did the crash happen 

Chloe- 5 this morning

Sweet pea- I'll take Izzy 

She gladly gave me the paperwork to fill out and then she went to go get her things then go get Izzy. 

Chloe- Alright here she is just make sure her head doesn't flop around because she can't hold her head up. Also may I ask who we are going to be the aunts uncles and grandparents

Sweet Pea- So FP's daughter Jellybean and Toni to be the Aunts. Fangs and Jughead as the Uncles. Then Fp the grandpa 

Chloe- Okay. Let me know if you need any help with her 

I nodded and took her to the Whyte Wyrm so they could meet her. Toni was shocked that I came back with a 2 day old baby. 

Toni- Sweet Pea I can't believe you got her 

Sweet Pea- Yeah why's that

Toni- Because you may be a bitch but your a giant teddy bear 

Sweet Pea- No 

Fp- Come one Sweet Pea you just walked in with a baby. Now you cherish this girl boy because they grow up too fast. 

Sweet Pea- I will 

All the Serpents met her and fell in love with her. 

Toni- I was thinking since I'm her aunt and the queen why don't we make her the serpent princess. It would provide more protection 

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