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Izzy's POV 

I did end up sleeping in my bedroom and when my alarm went off I was getting many kisses on my face. I tried to move but Billie would not stop. Dad came in to make sure I make it on time and he came in to this.

Sweet Pea- Billie off 

It took 2 minutes trying to get her off of me and when we did I started to get ready so I can leave for practice. As I was getting my breakfast the dogs were going bonkers. Me and dad were trying to shut them up but it failed as grandpa walked out. 

Sweet Pea- Sorry about that Fp 

Fp- No its all good 

Izzy- Hot Dog, Billie want a treat 

Of course that worked and gave them one. I ate quickly then I had to head. 

Sweet Pea- What time are you going to be home

Izzy- I don't know depends on how long Fangs has up. I got to go dad

Sweet Pea- Alright. Iz be careful driving it rained pretty hard last night and the roads will still be wet

Izzy- Bye dad 

I then got my bike going and right when I was about to pull away Toni pulled up. 

Toni- Hey want a ride today 

Izzy- Sure 

I put my keys back and headed to the school. We did wait for a few till we got some people here. Halfway through the practice dad and grandpa walked in. 

Toni- Sweet Pea hey we are in the middle of practice

Sweet Pea- I know keep going 

Toni- Okay ignore that lets start from the top. Izzy does your group want to try the lift real quick

Izzy-What do you think. Yeah 

Toni- Okay everyone else spot so they don't kill themselves

Olivia- Who is getting lifted

Izzy- Either me or you. You try then I will

It was a run and jump lift then flip again. Olivia was nervous so was I but we had to try to get this down. 

Toni- Bases you ready. Olivia are you ready 

Olivia- No but here goes nothing

Teammate- We got you Liv

We did it with the counts and I had to lift her up by her legs the help flip her over. We almost got it but the last 2 people missed her but caught her. 

Olivia- No offense I am not doing it again

Toni- Just try it one more time and then Izzy will go 

She shook it out and took some breaths. We got it this time and we tried it with the music. 

Toni- Before trying it with the music start from the circle 

I got into that spot and I looked over to see my dad. This made me nervous because I don't really like have eyes on me during practice. Toni played the music and we started it. Toni stood in front of their view so I wouldn't sike myself out. We did it perfectly with the music. 

Izzy-You can do it 

Olivia- Its scary 

Toni- Izzy your up 

I got to the spot and prepared for anything. I closed my eyes and prayed for hope they don't actually drop me. I started to run and Olivia did everything right till she lifted me up. 

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