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Izzy's POV 

For the past 5 weeks I have been in a huge fight with Alyssa about my life and where I should go with it. I have been doing college fully online while I'm working at the Wyrm. There is no real classes I attend I watch lectures and do the work. My love for dance has slowly slipped away from me because I feel like its forced on me now. I still sing since It something that been apart of me since I started to sing. Currently I am doing homework and during my little breaks I fill out important paper work or watch videos. 

Noella- Knock knock

Izzy- Hey baby, hey guys

Noella- Hows the work going

Izzy- Could go by faster 

Noella- You'll get there 

Izzy- Yeah

Hoshy- What class is it that your working on

Izzy- Math 

Kidden- Gross

Izzy- Tell me about it 

Noella- Want to take a mental break

Izzy- Yes 

Noella- Ramen 

Izzy- Ooooo give me. Noella I haven't ate today I'm starving 

Noella- Why 

Izzy- Well I was but I got 5 hundred called from Chloe about Nathan so I had to help her out 

Noella- Oh well here

Izzy- Thank you 

I ate it and I felt so much better since I ate that. Noella looked at my computer to see why I have so many tabs opened. 

Noella- Jesus why are you watching food videos while your hungry 

Izzy- I don't know but it was torture 

Noella- Well yeah 

Hoshy- Whats the plans for the rest of the day

Izzy- Well I'll finish up here and Toni was having me, Noella, and John perform but I begged for one night where I don't have to worry about anything so she gave me tonight 

Hoshy- Just tonight 

Izzy- Well January they want live performances all damn month. Toni tried to say no then they were children so we have to or we will have big babies running around

Kidden- Wow 

Izzy- I know 

Kidden- Well me and Hoshy are going out for a while see you later

Izzy- Yep see you

Kidden- Bye

They walked out and Noella took over the paperwork for me so I could get this done. She finished it pretty quickly. Somehow she is a math wiz so she helped me and I got it done faster with her. She then had to go watch Evelyn for me since I couldn't today. Mom and dad are going out of town for a few days so we are watching her. When we want time Toni said she'll take her. When I was working on my English assignment there was a knock on the door. 

Izzy- Come in. What can I help you with............oh its you. Why are you here

Alyssa- Izzy please we miss you 

Izzy- I've said no so many times how stupid can you be to not listen to a no 

Alyssa- Because Izzy we need you no one is like you 

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