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Izzy's POV

I woke up the next day and I actually was in JellyBeans room with the blanket on me still. I got up still feeling tired because I just woke up. I knew my dad woke up before me because he said he was getting everyone breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I saw this completely new person. 

Sweet Pea- Hey sleepy head

Izzy- Have you been body snatched 

Sweet Pea- No why 

Izzy- No tags, no serpent jacket, normal clothes, northsider clothes, no serpent clothing. Who are you and what have you done with my dad 

Sweet Pea- Right in front of you 

Izzy- If you are actually my dad he would be wearing something to with the serpents 

Sweet Pea- Izzy I have the tattoo on my neck 

Izzy- Hold on

I facetimed Toni because I didn't know how to react. 

Toni- Hey there 

Izzy- I think my dad is sick 

Toni- What why 

Izzy- I mean look at him 

Sweet Pea- Izzy really 

Toni- Sweet Pea that can't be you. Izzy what the hell is going on 

Izzy- I don't know

Sweet Pea- Believe it or not I do have normal clothes 

Toni- Where's your jacket 

Sweet Pea- On the chair 

Toni- Put it on

Sweet Pea- Topaz your the death of me 

Izzy- There he is

He finally put his jacket on and he gave me my food. 

Izzy- Wait dad is this pop's 

Sweet Pea- Yeah 

Izzy- You went back to Riverdale to get pop's 

Sweet Pea- Hey your not having it for awhile so I thought I would get you some

Izzy- Thank you 

I ate my food and I had to go get ready for my first day. JellyBean was already dressed and ready when I walked back into the room. She was on the phone with someone so I didn't bother her. I went and showered then got dressed. 

I took my dad's tags because I want something of his to be with me as I go for my first day

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I took my dad's tags because I want something of his to be with me as I go for my first day. 

Sweet Pea- What are we doing a 180 

Izzy- No this was an outfit that me and Toni picked out together. Before you ask yes the tags are yours I just want something valuable on 

Sweet Pea- Its fine I have multiple tags. You almost ready anyways 

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