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Izzy's POV 

Today I have a meeting with the Mayor Veronica Lodge and she has no idea what it is about. I am not going to wear my serpent jacket because I don't need any other serpent following me. I made the meeting at 11 am so I had to get up at 8 to get ready. I told dad I was meeting Olivia at Sweet Water River at 11. After we ate I had to get ready and I'm driving the car so I don't get caught. 

Sweet Pea- You look nice Iz 

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Sweet Pea- You look nice Iz 

Izzy- Thanks 

Sweet Pea- The keys are on the table 

Izzy- I love you dad 

I grabbed the keys and head to the mayors office. When I got to the building. 

Mr. Keller- Izzy what are you doing here 

Izzy- Don't tell my dad please 

Mr. Keller- Why are you in any danger 

Izzy- No I'm trying to work on something and they don't trust the Lodges 

Mr. Keller- Just be careful okay 

Izzy- I will 

Front Dest- Hi hun what can I help you with 

Izzy- I have a meeting with Mayor Lodge at 11 a.m under Elizabeth Eve Connor

Front dest- Elizabeth yes she is waiting for you just head on back

Izzy- Thank you 

I walked to the door and knocked. 

Veronica- Come on in Izzy. So what can I do for you hun 

Izzy- What was the Southside like when you were at Riverdale high 

Veronica- It was a very trashed up place and not taken care of very well. As for Southside High was a druggy school and it had to be quarantined then turned into a jail by my dad Hiram Lodge.  Coffee 

Izzy- Sure. Are you against the serpents at all

Veronica- I didn't mind them at all. I always thought them as normal people. So can I ask what this meeting is about 

Izzy- This may seen dumb but ever since I left Kurtz's hands and he went to jail the original Whyte Wyrm has been sitting there probably has weeds growing in the building by now. I want to keep this a secret from everyone including all the serpents. I was thinking of fixing up the Southside so we have our land again because the serpents have so much history on the Southside. Thats sounds so dumb 

Veronica- No it doesn't. So you want to fix it up and make a new school for them as well

Izzy- Yeah. I mean a lot of Serpents can't even come the one under pop's and I would like it for us to have the Whyte Wyrm back

Veronica- Well this is something that will take some time and something that we can defiantly do. My job as Mayor is to fix Riverdale from what my dad destroyed. 

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