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Izzy's POV 

For the past week I have been going to school but I have been staying put for the whole day. After what happened with uncle Fangs the mindset I was wasn't the best. Everyone is worried about me causing them to hover me 24/7 and I was feel suffocated all the time. Dad was trying to lay back because he knows its stressing me out. Of course sometimes it doesn't work because well he's a protective dad protecting his little girl. I have been sleeping with my dad everyone because I can't sleep if I don't. I know its not the best thing but he's like my safety pillow at night. 

Toni- Izzy 

Izzy- Yeah 

Toni- You dad is checking you out 

Izzy- When and why 

Toni- in 20 minutes and he didn't say why 

Izzy- Okay I'm going to sit with Jughead till he comes 

I walked to Jughead's class and he was teaching when I walked in. Its not my first time so I just sat on his chair to piss him off because he's a meany butt and won't let his niece sit in it. 

Jughead- Izzy really 

Izzy- Jug please 

Jughead- Okay fine 

Izzy- I'm leaving soon anyways 

Jughead- Yeah your dad told me but not for why 

Izzy- Maybe he wants it between us I don't know 

When 20 minutes was up dad walked to Jughead's class and got me. I didn't sleep that much because dad was gone for serpent business that I didn't want to do. He brought his bike because he tossed me my helmet. 

Olivia- Izzy wait up 

Izzy- Whats up 

Olivia- You dropped your journal. I didn't look threw it I just found it on the floor

Izzy- Oh thanks 

Olivia- See you around 

Izzy- Yeah 

Things with Olivia were weird because I didn't know how to be her friend after what she did. It kinda ruined out relationship after all of it and she's trying to be better. She was in jail for a few days for what she did and she beat herself up for it. Even if she did horrible things to me I still care because I mean she was there for me. 

Sweet Pea- I know your confused but Noella and John are at the house

Noella and John have been on a trip with Chloe to kinda get away for a bit. Before they left Noella asked me to be her first lesbian girlfriend and I gladly took the offer. 

Izzy- Where did they go

Sweet Pea- Sounds like they went to New York 

Izzy- I'm jealous 

When we walked into the house the dogs were all over us. Billie is still a puppy and she almost wiped me out. I walked over and hugged them. I missed them so much and I understand that they want to get away from the craziness. I gave Noella a kiss and walked over to Chloe. As I was getting to her Billie walked right under my feet. 

Izzy- Billie god 

Chloe- How you doing doll 

Sweet Pea- I'll be in the office no lying 

Izzy- Me lying why would I do such a thing I'm a perfect child

John- Izzy you are the worst at it and I know it best 

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