Chapter 21: Call me Sane

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A/N:Alright ladies and gents I know it's been ages, but I wrote an entire fucking chapter. And it got deleted. So I've been procrastinating. And also depression and shit but who cares about that lol. Anyway here it is, don't hate me please. Getting real close to the end, might do a sequel, but I upload so slowly. One shot? Maybe. Cliffhanger? Who knows! I have so many projects going on, but when school gets out you will get so many more uploads. You'll be drowning in premium angst. Thanks for reading, comment if you wanna. 

Call wanted to scream at Aaron for being such an idiot. Call wasn't going to let him die. He would make Aaron live, Call would give him eons full of calm afternoons and sunny tomorrows. Call found his way around with ease, noticed the respect radiating from his surroundings in waves. He had power, he was sure of that much. And he was going to use it. Call pushed open the door, and as usual, Constantine was at his desk, imposing as ever, playing with fire and knives and Call's very existence as if these things were mere trivia. As if Call were nothing more than dust. Call wouldn't become dust. He needed Aaron to be safe, to be saved by him. He needed it more than he wanted to say.

"Callum." Constantine said, cocking his head to the left. It jarred Call, to have Constantine use his full name. He would like to say that this place had lost its fear, that Constantine lost his fear. He hadn't.

"Constantine. Just love how you keep using my family against me. Really makes me want to stay here, completely fucking loyal to your cult-ass organization." Constantine's lips dipped into a scowl, and Call knew that if he kept digging he would eventually find a nerve.

"You're upset because of the Stewart boy. We could just kill him, you know. Be a whole lot easier to torture him until you complied." Constantine said, devoid of emotion.

"You want me to trust you, Constantine. Show me that you're my family. Let them go. Let them live happy lives and prove to me that this is worth staying for." Call said, trying not to sound pleading.

"You know, Call, you weren't his first." Constantine said, slowly, deliberately. "Golden boy Stewart has bent over for so many people. That's his get out of jail free card, his pretty little face, Call. He's been locked up before. Whenever daddy needed to get out of a little pickle, he sent pretty boy to sort it all out. He doesn't love you. He doesn't need you. So stop pretending like he gives a fuck about you." Constantine said, staring into Call with enough sharpness to cut.

"Stop trying to play games. Aaron-"

"Is feigning sympathy, Call. Just like your father. Do you think that if he really cared, he'd have stepped up his act? He'd have done better? Huh? Do you think Aaron ever looked at you like you were more than dirt before he wanted you for something? I'm being honest, Call. I sought you out. I wanted you. I could have picked anyone else, but I chose you." Constantine seemed to know exactly what to say to give Call doubts, but Call knows better. Right?

"I want them out, and I want them out now. I want to see them weekly, I want proof that they're alive. I want your claws off of them. Forever. If you tortured Aaron, you still wouldn't get what you wanted. You want someone to replace your dead brother. You want someone to replace my father. You need someone who cares. And you chose me, because I'm the only one left that can care. Joseph is loyal, sure. But you're a paranoid man. You need order. You need controlled chaos. You need succession. You need me. You need Jack." Call is confident now, his words ring out with ease as he sees Constantine's face distort. He's hit a nerve. And Constantine knows it. Call has power.

"Careful there, Callum." Constantine says, throwing the knife to the left of Call's ear, hitting the door. Call flinches. "Wouldn't want to say anything you'd regret."

"You have one option, Constantine. You can't kill them, or you lose my loyalty. You can't torture them, or you lose my loyalty. You can't keep them here, either. The only way to gain my trust is letting them go." Constantine's eyes flash with knowing, and Call knows he's won. Call knows that Aaron is safe.

"Fine." Constantine says with overtones of boredom, standing up and walking past Call. Call can hear the tones of hidden rage in his voice, and he's worried that even after a short time he knows Constantine so well. "You'll get your proof, Call. But don't ever mention Jericho again in my presence." His eyes turn to ice as he speaks his brother's name, he walks out the door, he walks away from Call.

"Oh, and Call." Constantine calls from down the hall.

"Your first job is tomorrow night." He finishes mockingly.

Aaron is safe. Aaron is safe. Call is not.

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