Pretty Little Mockingbird

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After the "suicide" all students got a small leave for a day before going back into school. Parting ways with Ketchup Bottle was all so easy now, and the eerie air masking her own intense jitters as nervousness rather then blood thirst. She loved it, the submission, the people who cower when they see her. They don't know but she can hear them, when they talk about their theories on how Peanut Butter died. Oh how she loved it, but... she couldn't make her precious Popcorn Chicken scared of her just because of some rumors. She had to change that, but how?

Arriving at her first morning class of the day, she sat in the back receiving a few glares. She shuttered as they talked, gaggled, whispering small disapproval, and the hate circling the classroom... ah how glorious. Looking down at her math book, she listened in on her chatty little neighbors gossiping about her.. at least they haven't actually done anything yet. Then out of nowhere.. "MURDERER" shouted the jock of the class, Protein Shake. A dumb muscle head was what he was, but none the less, still causing her troubles even though he doesn't even know her. Maybe she should add him onto her list...

Looking up slowly, eyes brimming with water, face red, she looked like a small, timid, girl. How she hated being weak. Fumbling up to her with his disgustingly large sippy straw, Protein Shake lifted her by the rim of her bowl roughly and smirked. Disgusting, almost more than Peanut Butter. "I loved her..." He muttered thrashing her down face first into her book so hard she was pretty sure the table dented. Scream echoing through the classroom, everyone was terrified. Of her or Protein Shake? Fruit Salad didn't know, but she was sure he cracked her bowl a bit. Luckily, footsteps were heard outside the classroom as the teacher walked in feeling like an eternity even though it was only mere seconds. Dropping her a bit harder than she would admit, Protein Shake went back to his old spot and stumbled like an idiot as he made his way to a random seat near the front bumping into a few desks among the way.

Mr. Granola stood next to the blackboard and slowly began the lesson after shooting Fruit Salad a concerned glare, but just shrugged after when she said nothing and continued on with his blabbers of nonsensical math. It was a boring class, what else is there to say?

The next few days went along with the occasional shove or push, but that was just her everyday now, her crack slowly healed at the very least and everything was back to.. normal, how boring. Sitting on the rooftops, she stared at the naive participants of her game, she hasn't seen Popcorn Chicken since the incident, but that was okay, maybe she can go back to watching him today, after all mother always said that patience was key.

498 words

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