Small Little Obsessions

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Oh how that creamy hag was going to pay.... with her raspy voice and stupid jar...Fruit Salad felt that she was going to go insane before she even murdered that slut. Slamming the door to her house, she wept for what felt like an eternity, before she came up with a plan. She was going to get her hands a bit dirty, but if Popcorn Chicken Salad was going to be hers, she didn't care. Going to her closet, she took out "the box". About to reach in, she stops herself and closes the box, putting it back into the closet with care. It was going to be a fun day tomorrow...

Skipping to school with a smile on her face, she looked like she could tackle anything that life could throw at her. Strawberry yogurt and her posse must of noticed this, walking up to Fruit Salad and Ketchup, she slapped Fruit salad, "and what're you so happy about?", that bitch and her nerves, Fruit salad thought. But kept a straight face, "Nothing" she responded. Ketchup looked as if she was going to kill Strawberry Yogurt, but quickly stopped noticing how strange her friend was acting. "Freak" they said in unison as they left.

"Are you okay Fruit Salad?", asked a worried Ketchup. Fruit Salad however, did not care. "Just a little something" she answered fruitfully before walking to her next class. You see, everyday those bitches go to the roof tops to smoke, however, now Peanut Butter stays up a bit after strawberry yogurt and blueberry jam. Fruit salad knew that she was alone because she doesn't hang out with anyone else, and only during the second half of lunch does she not see her with the rest of her little "gang".

Fruit Salad told Ketchup that she wasn't feeling well and was going to go to the bathroom after 3rd period, Ketchup insisted to go with her, but Fruit salad said she could manage herself taking her duffel bag with her. A bit confused, Ketchup let her go anyways. Quietly making it up to the roof top, Fruit Salad ducked behind a low wall. Everything was prepared. She grabbed a bottle of new clear nail polish from her bag and began painting her fingers carefully. Of course Peanut Butter can up first to smoke. But no matter how much Fruit Salad just wanted to push her off the roof, she couldn't, not yet, she had to be patient for this to work. Strawberry yogurt came second followed by Blueberry jam behind her. Trying not to gag as they lit their smokes, Fruit Salad watched them. It was oddly quiet for how they usually are, but Fruit Salad did not mind. She was actually happier not hearing their annoying voices. But then, then they had to start talking about her dear Popcorn Chicken Salad. "He's so bland, why did you say you would ask him out in front of that loser" Blueberry Jam snorted at Peanut Butter, who only added to the laughter. Fruit Salad felt like she was about to explode as she heard them talking. "He isn't that bad" Peanut Butter cackled, and it felt like a banshee screeching into her ear.

They continued on with different topics afterwards, as Fruit salad's rage came down from it's high. And finally, oh finally, strawberry yogurt and blueberry jam left. By that time, Peanut Butter was unguarded, staring mindlessly into seemingly nothing at the edge of the roof. Coming out from her hiding spot, she pushed Peanut Butter with all her might, trying to take off her shoes. "What the hell?!" she yelled, disgusting yet satisfying at the same time. Ripping off Peanut Butter's shoe. She strives for the one as peanut butter dangles off the edge. "You'll never take him from me" Fruit Salad said in a cold voice, grinning as she wriggles in agony. Peanut Butter's cries and pleas fell on deaf ears as she falls off head first into the concrete, making a satisfying crack underneath Fruit Salad, where she belongs. Writing her suicide note was easy enough. Everyone knew that Peanut Butter never had it easy in her life. Making her runaway was the difficult part. She was sure there weren't any people when she pushed Peanut Butter off the edge, but she wanted to be absolutely certain that no one was watching. Her run away was quick and smooth, swiftly she removed the nail polish and went back with Ketchup saying how she felt better.

"SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE" Someone screamed, barging into the lunch room.

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