Star of the Show

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Fruit Salad was right, the slim chances of Chocolate Mousse Cake going on stage was the correct estimate. How far had Fruit Salad even planned for this? Maybe Ketchup was a bit lacking more than she'd like to admit recently, she hasn't really paid any attention to much at all looking back now. Only when the teacher ushered them all through the gymnasium doors did she realize that they were having some sort of assembly.

Turning to the gymnasium stage, she could clearly see Chocolate Mousse Cake in her finest porcelain, blue rims and foxglove like patterns, it was quite flashy even for just a school play, or at least that's what she assumed it was. A few sighs and gasps could be heard at the dramatics as she stooped onto the stage, Fruit Salad who suddenly sat next to Ketchup grinned. It was happy yet grimacing at the same time, so much so that Ketchup had to gently nudge her to not show the intent.

Chocolate Mousse finished her opening speech, something about her act and how she was honored to be there, what was the usual. Then the lights dimmed. One step, then two, Chocolate Mousse started her dance, fur Elise started to play in the back speakers and she almost looked majestic like an arrogant swan.

Ketchup glanced back at Fruit Salad a bit only to realize that she was pale, really pale. About to nudge her, Ketchup froze was the music playing? She could've swore that they cut all the wires yesterday, even in her sleep deprived state, no way that no one would've noticed it.

Just as the note hit it's highest, the lights went out completely, one of the teachers attempted to open to doors to no avail as it was barricaded from the outside. Panic rose within the halls but the lights quickly turned back on soon after. Still in shock, everyone heard a scream from Matcha Latte.

Chocolate Mousse was hanging from the ceiling, chocolate chunks on the floor and her plate broken, her posture fixed with the transparent string they have hooked up earlier. The teachers attempting to calm the children failed as they stared at the body in horror. The doors which were unmovable earlier cracked open with a creak as everyone rushed to evacuate, not even questioning the sudden changes as they were in too much shock, everyone but Fruit Salad of course, under the panic dancing with glee watching them go like lamb to a slaughter.

421 words.

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