New Student

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She was pretty, plate white and shiny with the finest porcelain markings on the edges, decorated with a mint leaf, and who could forget the beautiful dark chocolate shavings on her middle colon? All in all a beauty that wasn't from around here. Chocolate Mousse Cake was her name, and it fit her well, a little too well for Fruit Salad's liking, especially around Popcorn Chicken...

Biting her own molding clay lips, she grunted in disapproval as she looked down on Chocolate Mousse Cake sitting next to Popcorn Chicken Salad. It was almost disturbing at how quick she was to make friends with what Fruit Salad already claimed to be hers. Locking eyes, Fruit Salad turned back to Ketchup.

Ketchup has been awfully silent lately, eyes empty as she poked at her protein and vitamin C. Even though she was just a condiment, she was quite loved by many. It was almost troubling at how down she was recently but no one doubted it since everyone knew Peanut Butter and Ketchup were both popular condiments. Even now Hamburger was still pining after Ketchup.

Either way it was about time to ruin this new fun cake that came to town, Fruit Salad's pretty sure she could frame Funfetti Cupcake if anyone found the body anyways with how sour she's been recently. Chocolate Mousse Cake was just stealing all the attention, especially as the sister of Black Forest. Even Red Velvet kept that much hidden at the very least until that bimbo showed up and soaked up the attention like the hoe she was.

Fruit Salad was still writing notes for make up classes as the bell rung, and they only had about five or so minutes until the next class started. Waving goodbye to the still gloomy Ketchup, Fruit Salad went to history. since it was after lunch, and the teacher didn't really care if they were paying attention or not, she thought about how she could do Chocolate Mousse Cake's murder, she didn't want it to be marked as a "suicide" again, she wanted it to be special. She was a "big shot" after all. Almost chuckling out loud, Fruit Salad started planning her next act of love.

Words 369

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