Phantom Mansion

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Chrollo POV

I yawned and sat up in bed. I checked my blankets and luckily no hidden children. I sighed in relief but once I got up I heard a bonk and two babies crying.

"CRUD!" I turned and saw Kortopi and Kalluto crying clinging to the pillow case that was keeling them from falling.

I quickly grabbed them and sighed "You guys are supposed to go to Paku or Franklin you should know I hardly check if you guys are here."

Kalluto ignored and tried noming on Kortopis hair who was sucking his thumb.

I heard yelling outside.


"Not again." I groaned and walked out to see Feitan and Phinks being chased by Nobunaga Machi Paku and Uvogin.

I set Kortopi and Kalluto down and they crawled away.

Shalnark and Shizuku were crying. I saw Shalnark didn't have his toy phone and Shizuku didn't have her toy vacuum.

I saw Phinks running down the stairs dragging a white long ribbon and Shalnarks phone.

I sighed and Feitan started running downstairs with the vacuum till it caused him to trip and roll down the stairs.

Me and Paku screamed and Paku threw herself off the rails to the bottom floor landing face first before getting up to get Feitan before he got to the bottom.

She caught him but he had a few scrapes on him and teared up before bursting into tears and clinging to Paku.

Phinks dropped the stuff and went to his friend to see if he was okay and gave him a hug.

Paku picked both of them up and left to the first aid room and I heard a loud yell.


I saw Bonolenov run out with a bunch of bandages in his arms.

I sighed and shook my head.

Nobunaga went to the first floor and grabbed the white ribbon and tied his hair up with help from Uvo.

Machi and Uvo grabbed Shizukus vacuum and Shalnarks phone and returned it to them. I heard a scream and sighed.

"Franklin! I think Hisoka is trying to cook Kortopi again!"

I heard more little screams and Phinks and Feitan (more like Phinks giving him a piggy back ride) ran out of the nursery again and to the kitchen.

I heard Hisoka screech and a loud pan being thrown.

Franklin walked out if the babies room and down the stairs to the kitchen.


Finally things half calmed down we had all the kids seated down fir breakfast and luckily no kids were cooked again.

"Hisoka no cooking Kortopi!" Paku said as Hisoka had a fork already to Kortopis face.

"Whats it with you and cooking kids with long gray hair? Remember how we got Omokage taken from us?" I asked.

Machi raised her hand "Yes?"

"He was taken by the police and you Paku and Franklin were charged for child abuse and you had to hide the rest of us and it was because Omokage was half cooked by Hisoka!"

"Smart butt Machi maybe I should try cooking pink hairs!" Hisoka grinned.

"Shut up!" She threw a fork and it somehow hit Bonolenov who was no where near Hisoka.

Bonolenov teared up before starting to sniffle.

Paku gave him some bandages and he stopped and made the :'0 face.

"Wait are we forgetting someone?" Franklin asked and we all looked around and shook our heads.

"Kawwuto!" Kortopi said.

We all went quiet and now could clearly hear the crying of Kalluto from the top of the stairs.

"Kowtopwi!" He cried and Paku ran out. She returned and placed Kalluto next to Kortopi who both snuggled together.

"Daddy the chickens are lose." Shizuku said to me.

I looked out the window and saw tge chickens running off.

I groaned and left to take care of them.


3rd person POV

After that Feitan Phinks and Shalnark went on their exploring trips and managed to sneak into Pakunodas room.

Phinks got into the makeup kit and smirked.

"Shal Fei!" He called the others over and they all smirked evily. "Not it!" Phinks and Feitan said and both grinned at Shalnark who nervously laughed.


Uvo and Nobunaga where chilling in the stables playing in the horses hay stack.

Nobunaga looked at a horse "Why do we even need horses? I know cows chickens pigs sheep and cats are necessary for living out here but why horses?"

"Can Paku Chrollo and Franklin even know how to ride a horse?" Uvo tilted his head and both grinned.

"Hey hey lift me up so I can let this one out!" Nobunaga laughed and Uvo more of threw him up there.

The horse stared at the two before starting to charge.

The two kids screamed and ran.


Hisoka grinned as Kortopi and Kalluto crawled into the baby room. He grabbed a basket and placed it over them and started dragging it out and down the stairs.

He got to the kitchen and grinned "Gray long hair sucks black long hair is much better! Or my type of hair!" Hisoka smiled and grabbed Kortopi shoving him into the oven.

He stared at Kalluto who began to sniffle having been 10 seconds away from Kortopi.

Hisoka picked him up and tired to fit him into the blender.

Kortopi who was perfectly fine in the oven but it being dark started crying and screaming for Kalluto.

Kalluto started to cry also. "Crap!" Hisoka said ad dropped Kalluto on the counter and tired to turn the oven on only to be tackled by Machi.


A few minutes later Chrollo walked in to Hisoka locked in the refrigerator and Kortopi and Kalluto eatting cookies with Machi giving them milk.


While everyone else was causing insanity Shizuku and Bonolenov were having their 87th staring contests and Franklin lost tract of how many times Shizuku has won because of her glasses.

Bonolenov only won when Shizuku blinked from the screams if the other children.

Franklin looked out the window and noticed a few moving vans outside if the mansion across the dirt road from them.

Another van but smaller pulled up to the drive way and out like a clown car several taller and older looking but no teenagers left the car and one holding a white cat all ran into the house.

Two adults left the car also and the smaller of the two seemed to stare at the window Franklin was looking out of.

"Weird." He muttered and turned away.

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