Shalnark new Mansion (might take down)

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I'm back to see how you guys like the way I'm writing now.

Shalnark POV

I clung to Uvo sobbing "DON'T WANNA LEAVE WHAT IF SHE MEAN!"

Chrollo sighed "Shalnark she's only asking for you to be with her on the weekends and Uvo can visit sit whenever he wants to."

I pouted "She abandoned me when I was just 3! I hardly remember her!"

"Shal if you don't like her when you come back I'll protect you from her from then on!" Uvo smiled.

I cheered up. Uvo always protecting me would make me very happy.

I nodded and let go of Uvo.

Chrollo picked me up and walked out the front door.

I clung to him scared of how my real mother will be.

Chrollo put me down and made me turn around.

I expected a mean-looking woman smoking a smartie but instead, there was a kind-looking woman with a very happy look on her face

She had long brown hair a black outfit and brown eyes.

(This OC belongs to Slimegirl16m1)

I saw Paku loading a few of my bags into a car nearby her and she stared at me while I stared back.

"Shalnark this is Yukimo your mother." Chrollo smiled.

"Hey, Shal." She smiled.

I could feel a warm feeling one that I feel when Chrollo hugs me in thunderstorms, or when Uvo calms me down after something scary, or when Phinks and Feitan never leave my side.

I didn't think and ran to her hugging her leg.

I felt her pick me up and I hugged her again.

I heard her sniffle and looked at her face. She was crying "I'm so sorry Shal I never wanted to leave you... Someone took you from me and left you somewhere far away I only found out where you were when I saw a group picture Pakunoda had posted on the internet."

I said nothing and nuzzled into her neck hoping to make her happy.

I don't even know her but I feel like I should.

Paku Chrollo and Franklin talked to her for a bit but I didn't focus on what they were saying.

I only snapped out of my state when I heard my friends.


I looked at the window and saw most of everyone there Feitan Phinks and Uvo were all waving while Kortopi and Kalluto tried to crawl out the window to get to me.

I smiled and waved at them "Bye-bye!"

I was surprised to see Hisoka Machi and Bonolenov waving also.

Chrollo was holding Shizuku who was giving me a small wave being half asleep.

My mom opened the car and put me into a car seat. I stared out the window for a few minutes until the car started to move and drive off.


3rd Person POV

It had been almost ten minutes since Shalnark left.

Kortopi and Kalluto were determined to get to Shalnark they had crawled out of the house and are currently trying to get their chickens to pull their slay like Santa.

"Ahhhh we newva guna get there!" Kortopi whined.

"WHREAAAAA CHECH ECHECEGEVE" Kalluto kept trying to talk to the chickens looking like an insane child.

The two babies heard footsteps behind them and turned and saw 3 other kids barely older than them.

They recognized them as three of the kids from Kurapika's house.

Kalluto waved at them "Kiwaaaaa!"

Kortopi was confused and Killua hugged Kalluto.

Alluka whined at Killua giving someone else other than her and Gon attention. Gon sat down on the ground where Kortopi was sitting and poked his cheek through the part where Kortopis hair didn't cover

Kalluto clung to Killua crying because of Shalnark leaving.


Hisoka and Machi were having one of their fights again. "I'M TELLING YOU WOULDN'T SHALNARK LIKE A NICE KORTOPI HEAD ON A STICK WHEN HE GETS BACK?!" Hisoka yelled and Machi slapped him.

(Plz someone get the reference and cry with me)



"You guys realize he's here right?" Phinks said interrupting them.

Phinks was just sitting on the sofa Feitan leaning on him hugging all the cats and crying.

"Why's he crying?" Machi asked.

"Stupid those three are almost always together." Hisoka stuck his tongue out at her.

She growled at him before the two starting to fight again.


Shizuku and Bonolenov were riding their scooters trying to follow Shalnark and had already gone one mile.

They had no idea Chrollo was walking behind them to make sure they were alright.

"I see them!" Bonolenov pointed at a bird.

"That's a birb" Shizuku starred.

"Awe," Bonolenov whined.


Paku picked up the crying emo bean "Feitan what's wrong?" She asked. "Shalllllll." He sobbed.

"Phinks you need to give him more attention because Shalnarks gone he's not getting his daily cuddles from several people" Paku explained to him.

Phinks held his arms out wanting to hold his bean and Paku gave him to Phinks.

Phinks kissed his small bean on the forehead which calmed Feitan down instantly.

"How do you do that?" Paku asked. "He's been with me forever so I can calm him down with affection."


Shalnark stumbled out of the car and flat on the ground.

Yukimo rushed to help him up and Shalnark giggled "I'm okay!"

She sighed in relief and picked him up and went inside the new house.

Shalnark gasped at the floor "SHINYYYYY!" He tried to touch it. Yukimo smiled and placed him on the ground where he ended up slipping.

"Slippery." Shalnark smiled and crawled around like a sea cucumber.

She giggled and Shalnark crawled into the living room "Mommmm floor is cold now." He made a q3q face.

Yukimo picked him up and put him on the sofa. Shalnark gasped and saw the Xbox controller and grabbed it. He started spamming random buttons like crazy

"Pew pew pew!" He smiled.

Yukimo turned the TV on and put a game on for him to play and sat next to him, but Shalnark didn't play instead he crawled to Yukimo and leaned on her happily falling asleep.

(I downloaded Grammarly
to help me with my
grammar so let me know
if you prefer this way
instead of the other way
and fun fact I was originally
going to do this for Feitan
but changed my mind
to Shal after me and
Slimegirl16m1 we're just
playing around lol)

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