Chapter 11

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Wednesday, 5:07AM
Derek woke up suddenly to a dark and empty room. He quickly sat up, frantically glancing around.

"Mer?" He called into the darkness.

"In here." Called a feeble voice from the bathroom.

"Oh, Mer." Derek whispered as he opened the door. Meredith was sprawled on the floor, hunched over the toilet. He knelt on the floor and pulled her hair from her face, trying to ignore the clumps of hair that came loose in his hands.

"I didn't mean to wake you." She whispered, leaning into the cool tile wall.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Derek responded, tracing circles into her cold pale hands. "Want to go back to bed?"

"Pre-rounds must be starting soon, can I just get started with my infusion?"

"Are you sure? It might be better to wait a few hours, rest, and hydrate?"

"I'll take an IV Der. I just want to get it over with." Derek nodded, scooping her into his arms and bringing her to the bed.

"I'll page your team." Derek said, pulling out the small device. Meredith hummed, letting her eyes fall shut as she sunk into the pillows.


Minutes later, Izzie entered the room pushing a wheelchair. She was followed by Doctor Swinder.

"Alright Mer, let's get you to the infusion center." Izzie said cheerfully. Derek frantically shook his head no as Meredith began to stir.

"We can do her treatment here today, Stevens." Swinder said, understanding. Izzie nodded, briefly leaving the room to grab an infusion machine.

"Let's start her on a hypotonic IV solution at 80mL an hour for the next four hours." Swinder instructed a nurse as Izzie began the treatment.

"How does that feel? Any pain at the insertion site?"

"It's fine." Meredith replied shortly, refusing to look at the needle in her arm.

"It's the end of my shift." Izzie said gently. "Anything I can pick up for you?"

"Strawberry ice cream." Derek replied for her. Meredith nodded in agreement, smiling.


An hour later, Meredith and Derek were playing an intense card game as the sun rose, casting golden light into the hospital room.

A knock sounded at the door, Swinder and Bailey entered. They were followed by a group of nervous people dressed in white coats.

"I have some med students in their oncology rotation. Do you mind if they shadow your rounds today?" Bailey asked. Meredith nodded.

"Alright, one of you present."

"M-Meredith Grey, 32. Receiving her 6th infusion for treatment of leukemia." A brown haired girl piped up.

"Good, what's your name?" Bailey responded.

"Doctor G- Uh. Lexie, ma'am."

"Alright. Meredith, I'm going to listen to your respirations. This might be cold." Bailey said softly, placing the stethoscope underneath her gown.

"Deep breath in... and out." Meredith obliged, finding comfort in holding Derek's hand.

"Good, Grey."

"You can go home after today's treatment." Swinder added. Meredith and Derek grinned.

"Okay, but right now I have to win this card game." The three doctors gave her strange looks.

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