○ Can we kiss forever? ○

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Will Graham had been working with FBI for five years now but his imagination had never gotten the best of him. Yet. Lately, his mind had been playing tricks on him. He couldn't remember where he was but everytime he came to his senses, he found himself in a completely different place than where he last was. He had no memory of moving but he was surely traveling without knowing it.

Today was no different. Jack had called him, informing him about a case. A middle aged man had been found pinned up on a 30 foot wall and stag horns were fixed on his skull. Will was stressed but he had agreed to meet Jack. Dr. Lecter was present at the scene too and when Will saw him, he relaxed. His mind felt light and his breathing was even again. Strange. Will thought but it was comforting.

After analyzing the crime scene for about an hour, Hannibal decided to head back since he had appointments. Will was disappointed but he kept silent. He stared at the doctor from behind Beverly. He noticed how deep his eyes seemed and how his blonde hair fell perfectly into place. The creases beside his eyes looked so good.
I could kiss him. Will thought but he didn't understand why his mind went that way.
He had never been into men. He liked women. Yes. He loved Alana. Or did he?

Will quickly shook these thoughts out of his head when he saw Hannibal walk towards him and he tensed up. He felt as if Cannibal eyes had pierced into his heart. The said doctor put his hand out for Will to shake. At first, the brunette was confused but then it hit him as he hurriedly took the other man's hand and began to shake it violently. Hannibal only smiled at the other's nervousness. Everytime he was near Will, he found his heart warm up and could relax amidst the loudest of noises. I'm new to this feeling but it doesn't seem wrong.  Hannibal thought.

It dawned on him that Will was meant to be more than just a colleague to him and his heart had already accepted that. A smile appeared on his face and his cheeks turned a faint red. It wasn't even visible yet Hannibal felt exposed. It felt as if William had destroyed the walls that he had built around his heart in time.


Will knew it would be awkward and that he would probably die of embarrassment if things didn't go well. Yet his feet carried him to the psychiatrist's doorstep. He held an expensive bottle of wine in his right hand and his left held a bouquet of yellow daffodils, white lilacs, blue violets and forget-me-nots. The bouquet was neatly arranged.

Will's heart was beating faster than a NASCAR car but he mustered up courage to ring the doorbell. His breath hitched when Hannibal opened the door. He wore a grey 3-piece suit and a maroon shirt, topped with a grey tie. Will stared. His head was getting heavier but his heart refused to look away. Will took in a deep breath and his nose caught the doctor's scent. It made him feel elated. Will cleared his throat and and presented the wine and the bouquet to  Hannibal who was watching Will patiently.

Hannibal gave the other man a 'thank you' and smiled a little. Will felt as if he was gonna melt on the doorstep but he kept his balance. Hannibal invited him inside and politely took his coat. He hing it carefully, making sure there were no creases. Will observed the man carefully. He didn't realize it but Hannibal had turned to him and was returning Will's stare.

Hannibal cleared his throat and led Will to the dining area and took out a chair for him. Will took the seat with a small thanks and watched the other man take a seat beside him.

The two talked for hours after the dessert and laughed their way through the evening. When Will checked the time, it was 10:43pm. He slowly got out of the chair, Hannibal followed.
Will said, "Thank you for this lovely evening Hannibal.  The food was amazing. Never found anyone else's food satiating as much as yours. "

Hannibal smiled at this and expressed his gratitude. He followed Will to the door and watched the other's muscles flex under his shirt as he put his coat back on. Hannibal wanted to run his fingers along William's beautiful brunette curls but he kept control.

Will turned to Hannibal and put his hand out for a handshake. The doctor gladly took it and gave it a firm shake. He still held on to Will's hand. It felt right.

Will didn't know what came over him and he leaned closer to the doctor who leaned in as well. They came close enough to feel each other's breath on their faces. Hannibal gave in and gently connected his lips with the other's. Will didn't hesitate and kissed back, closing his eyes and sliding his arms around the taller man's neck. Hannibal held on to Will's waist.

The kiss wasn't something erotic. It was in fact full of emotions. It had meaning and that was enough for the both of them to know they had confessed their love for each other. Hannibal's lips felt warm and  soft against William's chapped and colder ones. The kiss was pure. When they pulled apart, it had begun to snow outside. Hannibal gazed into Will's brown eyes. They seemed deep. Will gave the other a dorky smile and said-

"Can we kiss forever?"

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