○ Loving You was a Crime ○

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Loving him was wrong. Will knew that. He knew that very well. Hannibal was a criminal. The entire FBI team knew that. And yet here was Will, thinking about him. He couldn't remember the last time when his head hadn't had a single thought of Hannibal. He ran his hand along his hair and sighed. He was going to do it today. He was going to arrest Hannibal.

Will knocked on the psychiatrist's door and waited. Soon, a well dressed man opened the door and smiled at Will. It was Hannibal. He let Will in and followed his trail as he headed towards the living room. When Will had reached the center of the living room, he stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face Hannibal. Hannibal had an emotionless face and looked at Will, waiting for him to make a move.

Will took in a deep breath and said, "Hannibal Lecter. I am here to arrest you. "
This made Hannibal raise an eyebrow. He smirked at Will then proceeded to sit on his chair. He looked at Will. He looked at him from top to bottom and said, " Will, do you think you can do that?"
Will's heart started to beat faster and he decided to hide it by bringing out his gun. He pointed it at Hannibal and told him to remain seated. Hannibal smirked once again but obliged. He paused for a moment then said, " Will, are you really willing to arrest me? You are in the deception that you know everything about me. You like to think that you can read me like a book. You dwell in this thought. But do you think you know it all? Will, I am not blind to your actions and I have known quite some time that you have become infatuated with me. Tell me Will, am I right?"

Will was sweating. He lowered his gun and dropped his head. He sighed and said, " You HAVE to stop analyzing me Hannibal." This made the psychiatrist smile and he stood up to walk towards Will. When there was merely an inch of a difference between the two, Hannibal lifted Will's head with his thumb to his chin and spoke, "I know how you feel. I feel the same."
This made Will lift his eyes up. He saw sincerity in Hannibal's eyes and stared. Then, Hannibal closed the gab between them. They kissed. Will was shook to the core but did not resist the kiss.

After sharing the sweet moment, the two parted and Hannibal put his hands behind his back. He waited. Waited for Will to say something. Will did. He said, " Hannibal, you confuse me. I hate the fact that I feel for a criminal. A psychopath. A cannibal. But I cannot bring myself to put you in a prison. I want you to be with me. But I'm scared. Scared you'd break my heart and I'll be too broken to do anything." Will's voice trembled. Hannibal smiled and pulled Will into his embrace. And at that moment, Will felt the older man's warmth and all his doubts went away. He felt that this love was meant to be. No. He KNEW it was meant to be. He finally felt happy and his mind was at peace.

And even though loving you is a crime,
I'd like to hold your hand in mine.
And even though loving you was a crime,
I'd want to fly with you, away from the time.


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