Nobles and Artists Don't Mix

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Bridgerton Au

Sunlight seeped through the windows of the Graham's Mansion as the housemaids scurried around, putting the house back to its pristine condition after the wildest night of partying they had seen in all their years of service. The eldest son of the Viscount had finally inherited his father's position and the celebrations had racked up the entirety of Maryland. William Graham had been named Viscount only a week before and the Grahams found themselves entertaining a who's who of young mistresses being paraded around by their mothers, in hopes that the young lord would spare these women a glance. Eligible young women flocked the main ballroom of the huge mansion and giggled to themselves, about how handsome the new Viscount was. And handsome he was. In walked, the Lady of the House, beside her husband who sent a charming smile towards his guests. 

The guests then shifted their gazes towards the other man who had entered the ballroom behind the pair. This man had a fluffy mop of brown curls that donned his head. His eyes were alert and the green of his irises pierced into the guests as they jumped from one person to another. The young ladies could be heard squealing about his fair complexion. William Graham had once again managed to leave a crown speechless just by making a rather normal- droll, even-appearance. The night began with light, playful music and ended in rash, raucous trumpets blaring in the ears of drunken lords being dragged home by their wives, as their daughters stretched their necks like meercats, trying to look for the man they had hoped to charm.


As the guests had begun the feast, a certain William had made his escape from the suffocating party. Will ached for his lover; lover who longed to be with the Viscount. Yes, he was in love. The eldest son of the Grahams had already been bewitched by someone. His name was Hannibal and he was an artist. As scandalizing as that was, Hannibal had broken the set rules of rigid society for the man. That's right. Hannibal had fought fir their love. 

He rode his horse, into the town's market. Deciding to lay low, he walked along the gravel path as tsunamis of busy vendors and peddlers pushed against his direction. Making his way through yet another crowd, he ended up in front of an Art House. He looked at the only window which showed signs of life. Then he knocked on the door. Will waited and waited for someone to greet him. He was starting to lose patience and knock again, when the door was suddenly pulled open. And boy, was Will unprepared for what his eyes saw next.

Will's cold green eyes were met with warm brown ones. The young lord was sure that the person in front of him had uttered out a greeting and he could only reply by sending a curt nod his way, without breaking the eye contact. It was as if everything else had blurred out of his vision and only this person's eyes remained. He could see his own reflection in them and he certainly didn't miss the wrinkled that formed between the other man's brows. 

Right. Will thought. "I am William, eldest from the House of Graham. I was travelling and came across your Art House. If it's not too late into the evening, would you be willing to show me around?" Will asked, in a teasing  tone.

The man in front of him was blonde, with a few strands of white clearly showing off.  He looked at the lord and his eyes read him over. 

"I am Hannibal. I am an artist of sorts and yes, I'd be more than willing to show you around, Lord Graham, " replied the man in an equally playful manner, playing along with Will's pretend-introduction.


As Will entered the house, he saw scattered sheets everywhere. These contained newer drawings of horses and fruits and somethings Will could only recognize as lacking in the house of nobles. The two toured the galleries, full of artwork Will had not been able to seen in the five months he had to part from his lover, and Hannibal gladly showed off his paintings to the younger man. The largest gallery cleared into a large hall. Will saw the many books that were neatly nestled into the bookshelves. His eyes twinkled as he stared at the walls and walls of books, ignorant to the wide grin that played on the lips of the other man. His eyes wandered and landed on a desk. Drawings lay everywhere but these were different. These weren't simple, predictable sketches. These were drawings of....Will.

Will turned around in astonishment, only to come face to face with the man's warm brown orbs. He stared longingly into Hannibal's eyes, having been robbed of any words. Of course the two had exchanged ritualistic pleasantries of loving compliments and letters full of poetic love. Their love, up until this point, was like the spring. However, after skimming through the sketches that captured the very essence of his being, Will had been overcome with entirely new feelings. Will could feel every single one of the innocent as well as flirtatious strokes of graphite, that had so carefully replicated his shape. His heart felt full. 

He wants me. He wants me as much as I want him. He desires me spiritually and carnally... Hannibal is in love with me...

Hannibal held his gaze and continued to smile at the young man who stood there, speechless. He had expected this reaction. Now Will knew just how much Hannibal ached for him. What he didn't expect, was for Will to suddenly close the distance between the two. Hannibal's mind spun. His eyes felt heavy and he allowed his lids to shut. In his mind, flashed the memories of the first time he had spoken to Will. He had been brought to his studio by some other lords who had wanted to try their hands in art. Will had caught the man's eye and for some reason, had decided to stay back late. The two had shared some wine and Will had stripped completely, giving Hannibal a sight, his non-religious self had thanked the Gods for. One thing led to another and the two confessed their love. But apart from shyly holding hands, nothing had happened. 

This was the first time they had kissed. And heaven knew how beautiful it had felt. When the two detached themselves, they chuckled and wrapped their arms around each other. Hannibal pulled the smaller frame towards himself and kissed Will's forehead. Will nestled his head into the other's broad shoulders, when a Hannibal had taken his face into his hands. The older man had burning passion in his eyes as he said:

"I burn for you...."

_________________________________F I N___________________________________________

Now.... i would  write smut. but everyone's writing smut and i think its better for something wholesome, yeah?

5 comments and i'll write a real cute smut piece. thanks for reading and Happy New Year to my readerrrsssss. please continue to support my writing and i'll bring out some trilogies out too. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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