○ Love like Porcelain ○

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The Doctor and the Detective sat by each other, in perfectly comfortable silence. The pair sat on the stairs of a Cuban mansion as the breeze blew through the open panes of the stained glass windows. The portrait of the Virgen Maria shone with its many colors when the sun rays hit them. The Doctor, Hannibal Lecter, had, in his hands, the delicate feet of his lover. Now, Will was no more a gruff-looking haggard man. The Doctor's care and affection had taken up the duty to ensure the younger man was well taken care of and the young man basked in this glory.

Will ultimately broke the silence. "Han, do you believe what we did was right? We threw behind our lives in Maryland for each other. It shouldn't have been a problem, honestly. We would've gotten away with all of it there too, you know?"

"Well, my love, I did what I believed necessary to keep you away from harm's way. I knew one too many foes back there and I wouldn't have preferred any harm to come to you or our love. No?" , replied Hannibal.

"What I'm saying, Han, is that maybe these small little things wouldn't have caused as much of a disturbance as you think. Maybe we could live normal lives, not like runaways who run around losing their wits for something so trivial?"

"Trivial? My dear. Is your life, MY life, OUR LOVE, something trivial to you? Would you rather spend your days running around proving your innocence as I rot away in a penitentiary?"

"Hannibal, you're making a big deal out of nothing. And I DO infact believe, that your decision to fake our deaths and run away to Cuba was a bad move."

"Then suit yourself, honey. I do not wish to argue over this anymore. I merely followed my design."

With that, Hannibal stood up and made way to his room. It was still a mystery to the med-school Valedictorian, the reason his beloved did not wisht to share rooms. But he did not intrude too much into Will's life. Hannibal looked out the window as the dim light of the table lamp light up his desk. He felt something. It was coming to him, from the evening sky. He did not know what it was but he waited for it with baited breath and great anticipation.

Several moments passed. Hannibal continued to stare out of the window. He blinked once. Then again. Without a word, he stood up and left his room. Hannibal made way to the room right across the hall. Will's room. The Detective had left a while ago, notifying the Doctor of his departure with a slammed front door. This was entirely out of character for Hannibal but his mind wasn't at ease. He carefully seated himself on the bed and reached into the side drawer. Heart still beating impatiently, Hannibal pulled out about twenty envelopes. Letters. He eyed the ripped seals and pulled out the contents with great care. He unfolded a piece of paper. Eyes roaming on the words carefully. Putting aside this paper, Hannibal made his way through each leaflet, taking his time. He admire at how poetic the confessions of love and promises of security were in those letters. 

Will stood in the doorway, eyes glued on the Doctor. He watched the other's actions like a hawk. Not missing even a slight change in composure. Hannibal breathed out and looked up, meeting the eyes of the man he loved. Smiling lightly, he walked to the younger man, standing directly in front of him. He took Will's hand in his and brough to his lips, kissing it gently. Will looked at him with stone-cold eyes.

"Our 'love' IS in fact, a very trivial matter to me. It is trivial, for it simply does not exist..... Not to me."

Hannibal wordlessly left the room. Will stared at the letters, some written to him and some by him. Every page that was for Will, was signed "Bloom" .

With that, the love that left behind tales in Maryland, fell to the ground. Shattering, like fine Porcelain.

A man who had everything and nothing, brought such pain to the man who had loved him truly, in such great magnitude that the other was now also everything and nothing. All at once.


That was kinda sad ngl. If you guys are interested in a happy Bridgerton AU version of Hannigram (i promise it will be v happy :D), then please vote for this chapter. THANKS!

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