NYU freshman Camilla Dalton moved away from home with the intentions of becoming a world renown author. What she didn't expect, was falling for her rather handsome English teacher, Professor Hiddleston.
[Tom Hiddleston AU] [ProfessorxStudent]
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"It's funny how something can be so real, yet others gladly treat it like fantasy."
"Please don't make me do this." I grumbled as Riley practically dragged me down the streets of New York. I had no desire to talk to Hope, mostly because in the two weeks since I'd spoken to her, I still had no idea what to say.
I had been staying with Tom for the past two weeks. After our dinner, he had offered that I stay with him instead of going back to the dorms. It took a bit of convincing, but eventually I gave in; I didn't want to be alone after everything that had happened. I ended up sleeping on his queen bed, and like the gentleman that he is, Tom took the couch. It hurt to push Hope away, but staying with her had put me in danger. It also clouded my judgment, and because of her, I still hadn't contacted the authorities regarding Ross and his older brother, Elijah.
Staying with Tom was wonderful, but I couldn't let myself get attached to that luxurious apartment of his. Not even the way he would hum while making us breakfast, or the way he kissed me before saying goodnight. I would have to move back in with Hope eventually. If anyone found out that I was staying with my English professor, it would not end well.
Riley pulled me into a small clothing store. It had similar clothes to Old Navy, but the prices were much higher and the name was something in French. It was one of the many shops that lined mainstreet. Each business was squeezed up against the next. Perfect for tourists.
Riley started to scan the room, looking over several racks of clothes. "At least hear her out, Cam. I'm tired of standing in for you while she rehearses her apology speech." He led me down each aisle, looking carefully through the sea of customers.
"Do you even know what this is about?" I asked, genuinely curious if Hope had told him about her past. I reached out for the sleeve of his shirt as a massive wave of foreigners came by us. His pace was relentless.
Once the crowd of customers died down, Riley sighed and turned to look at me. "This isn't about me. This is between you two."
I crossed my arms, "So she didn't tell you."
He hesitated. "No, she didn't."
Hope's neglect to tell the truth had put me in serious danger. How long would it be until Elijah came for Riley too? How long would it be until I was a target again? If she truly wanted to earn back my trust, she could start by not keeping secrets from her closest friends.
My thoughts came to a screeching halt when I realized how much of a hypocrite I was.
I sent Riley a look before noticing a fiery, pink-haired girl coming up behind him. Hope looked more than surprised to see me, but I wasn't surprised in the slightest. I knew that Riley had planned to have us meet that day. He must've failed to tell her. Hope rearranged the bags in her arms and took ahold of Riley's hand. She smiled at me with false confidence.