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Hiya all those who are lovely enough to answer. I've just got some questions on what you want to see in my next book which is going to be a werewolf x Hunter story set in the highlands of Scotland (I'm half Scottish myself, fun fact) and will be another enemies to lovers with supernatural elements this time. I'm going to do some multiple choice questions on what you would like to see, because in the end, these books are for your enjoyment. Comment next to the answer you like most.

Question 1: Would you prefer the story to be written in

a) first person

b) third person

Question 2: would you prefer the couple to be

a) male x female

b) male x male

c) female x female

d) multiple of the above (straight and gay) a book for each that simply switches the genders of the main character or love interest

Question 3: Sex scenes

a) yay

b) no

I think that's all the questions but I'll add anymore if I can think of them. I guess the final one is will you be interested in reading it?

Thanks for any answers xx

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