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Dixie's Pov
Today was the day I was going to court, I still felt guilty though because I took someone's life, but as we walked up to the big brown doors of the court room my nerves kicked in if this didn't go well I could end up behind bars, and then I feel a hand grip onto mine I look up to see Noah smiling down at me, I smile back nervously I know I shouldn't hold his hand because I'm supposed to hate him but can I hate him and still love him at the same time because I will admit I am great full he is here he has honestly been a really good friend to me and he researched everything he needs to know about court just so he can help me which is honestly really sweet, he has been calling me every night going over what's going to happen and making sure I'm not to stressed but then again he told me that he loved me the other day but he probably meant it in a friend way you know?

Noah's Pov
Dixie looked nervous which is understandable, she said I needed to come strictly for moral support and because I was a witness I guess but still she was basically shaking, so without thinking or anything i grabbed her hand, then i mentally slapped myself what the fuck was i thinking i waited awkwardly for her to pull her hand away but she didn't i look down at her and she looks up at me our eyes connecting i start to fells butterflies and a stupid smile spreads on my face
she probably thinks I'm some sort of possessed demon or something
but then she smiles back, nervously ill add but I think I'm slowly warming up on her i mean she smiled at me and she actually talks to me now but still progress people progress.

The big brown doors open and they all walk in
This is it

Bang, bang Case closed

Dixie's Pov
I run and jump into Noah's arms
N- hahaha you know if you did I would come with you
D- you know you can't do that right *giggles*
N- haha you know I'd find a way
D- thank you
N- for what
D- for everything, deep down under all of this hate and anger I missed you but I used you leaving as an excuse to hate you because I was hurt and then you come here and act all sweet you make it so hard for me to hate you
N- I care about you
H- Dix come on we're going home
D- bye Noah
I hug him before I go thankful for the way he has supported me
N- bye Dix

I hop into the car and fall back into my seat I just wanna get home and curl up in my bed sheets and sleep
H- so you and Noah huh
D- what about Noah?
H- you guys seem pretty close
D- no I'm just giving him a second chance
C- mmmm as well as snuggling up to him
C- sorry just telling the truth
H- ok well they are coming over for dinner
D+C- Yay!
D- well we better go home and get ready

Sooo I know this is short but basically wanted to know should I do the dinner thing then something happens and they become closer or wait a few more chapters for them thing that makes them closer to happen
If that makes sense I love y'all xx

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