day five

284 22 2

chompers seen: about a hundred and fifty

chompers killed: 0

near-death experiences: 3

human deaths witnessed: 2    

When I woke up the next morning, Anthony was still asleep on the bed next to mine. Bright white light had enveloped the room due to the broken window, and everything was silent.

I got up, stretching my arms over my head and groaning. The bed was comfortable, at least. 

We'd found an abandoned motel just down the street from where the van was parked. It was relatively small, but pretty clean and not too damaged. We each found rooms and passed out without a single word to each other.

I was still pretty shaken up. I'd woken up and almost forgot about it, and when everything hit me, I felt that familiar sinking feeling return to my gut.

I stood up, contemplating waking Anthony up. I walked over to him, extending my hand to shake him, then stopped. I knew he hadn't been sleeping much at all. He needed the rest. I'd just see what was going on outside and come back and get him.

I decided to check the lobby, assuming that'd be where everyone flocked to first. I walked down the long hallway, observing the cream-colored walls and running my hand along the paint. The place was still pretty intact, with the exception of some broken windows and chipped drywall. Some locks were broken off the doors, as if people were in a rush to get out, and a vase was left shattered on the floor in the lobby. Other than that, it seemed like people broke out before anything could really get in. But I guess anything could've happened.

Ken and Martha sat in the lobby, along with Joel and Henry. 

I smiled a little at them, sitting on one of the couches next to Joel. Ken and Martha were hunched over a map.

"I think we must be around Long Beach," Ken was saying, running his finger along the map. "Because we went from Sacramento down to Bakersfield, then over to that little town by Santa Monica, and then last night I stayed right along the coast for just over an hour. I wasn't paying much attention and I haven't seen a sign since Ventura, but we must be here."

"So Los Angeles is just a few hours east?" Henry asked, leaning against the check-in counter.

"Less than that, actually. Probably under an hour, if I can find enough gas to get us there."

"Are we still heading there?" I asked, Ken's blue-gray eyes finding mine. 

"I think it's our best option," Martha spoke up, leaning back in her chair and shrugging. "It'll either be completely overrun or the safe haven we need."

I nodded, my eyes locked on her obviously-dyed short-cropped hair. I wondered what would happen when the dye faded and her grey hair began to show. How old was she? She couldn't be too old, but I would guess early fifties. 

A voice spoke up from behind me and I jumped, turning to see Jonah standing in the hallway.

"I think we should spend a day or two here first. Look around. From the looks of it, these people left some good supplies here."

Ken nodded, rubbing his forehead. "That's what I was thinking. We're just about out of gas, anyways."

"The beach is just half a mile over. And I don't know about all of you, but I need a bath." Martha chuckled, standing up. "Let's get everyone else up. We can find something to eat and hit the beach first, then the rest of the town."

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