day fifty-seven

156 15 5

chompers seen: i'd say about a thousand

chompers killed: 6

near-death experiences: 7

human deaths witnessed: 5

friends left behind: 6

camps infiltrated: 2

dead friends: 2

It was almost as if we weren't even a group anymore - there were so few of us.

Saying goodbye to Lizzy, Henry, and Rico had been tough. I felt like I hadn't had any time at all to get to know Rico, and even after being around Henry for months straight, I felt as though I knew nothing more than his first name. I just hoped to God I'd see them all again soon.

Now, just Anthony, Jenna, Aaron and I trudged on through the Sacramento streets. It was the first overcast day since we'd been there, and the streets were relatively cool. Because of it, the sidewalks were littered with people. It was eerie; everyone just walked around casually, smiling at others and being polite. I was finally getting used to the empty streets, and here they were, busy as ever.

About halfway to my parents' house, we rounded a corner and came upon a strange sight up ahead.

A small crowd had gathered around something in the middle of the street. We approached it - I was almost tempted to reach for my knife - but quickly stopped when I noticed a man next to a white Impala in the middle of the street. He was speaking to the crowd, standing tall with importance.

"...possibly even tonight, if enough workers can be found. If you know of any, please contact me immediately. I will be here for one night before returning to Minneapolis."

And with that, the man climbed into the car and sped away.

I shared a brief glance with Aaron. He approached a friendly-looking woman in front of him.

"Excuse me," he said. "We just got here. What was that man saying?"

She smiled, the excitement evident on her wrinkled face. "Oh! He just came from Seattle. They have electricity there! And almost in all of Washington! We might be able to get it here, soon!"

"Really?" Aaron raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! And he said he didn't come into contact with a single monster on the way here! Isn't that wonderful?"

Aaron shook his head. "It's unbelievable."

"I know!" And with that, she turned and sped off to deliver the news to other people.

"Shit," I muttered, shaking my head. "This has to be some sort of calm before the storm."

Jenna shrugged. "I don't know. This could be it. It could really be over."

I took a deep breath. "Every time I get my hopes up, something goes horribly wrong."


Their door was open. I could see it from down the block.

That was the first sight that sent a ripple of fear through me. The second was how trashed the entryway was: all broken glass and crushed photos. 

"Fuck," I breathed, stepping inside my parents' house.

I heard Anthony behind me, then Aaron and Jenna. 

Everything was destroyed. It looked as though a tsunami had washed through but taken nothing in its path. Just about everything that could be broken lay in pieces on the floor. I passed family portraits that had been broken and vases I'd walked by probably millions of times. 

Decimation (Ianthony Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now