day twenty-seven

265 19 7

chompers seen: probably about six hundred

chompers killed: 0

near-death experiences: 6

human deaths witnessed: 3

friends left behind: 4

camps infiltrated: 1

dead friends: 1

As far as the zombie apocalypse goes, I was happier than I'd thought possible.

Yeah, I had a broken ankle that could be supported with nothing but a roll of bandage found in an old first-aid kit, I'd been closer to death than ever, and I was too scared to even go to the bathroom alone, but I was happy. Really happy.

We had found a nice location with unlimited water and what seemed like a wide variety of game. Besides my little mishap, we'd seen no other chompers. Firewood wasn't an issue. Could bathe whenever.

I felt like our little group was closer than ever, too. We had no problem sharing all our stories and planning our next moves. Ken and Martha desperately wanted to move on, but with my ankle, it seemed like that wasn't gonna happen any time soon. I felt bad, and it sucked to be immobile again, but being alive was worth it.

And then there was Anthony.

I still wasn't quite sure what we were and what exactly was going on, but we were both happier than ever. He clung to me all the time, always put my needs before his, and kissed me nonstop. I fell asleep in his arms every night and he carried me everywhere. He wouldn't stop smiling, either.


I sat with my foot in the river, staring off into the woods. The water was ice cold, and therefore was great for the swelling. The pain was intense, but I'd experienced worse. Every time it hurt, I just remembered how much worse my injuries should have been, and then it felt better.

I heard someone sit next to me, and looked over, expecting to see Anthony, and was surprised when Aaron appeared, holding two makeshift wooden fishing poles.

"Well, if you're gonna sit around all day anyway, you might as well make yourself useful." He winked, handing me a pole.

I smiled. "Holy shit. I haven't fished since I was, like, eight."

"We gotta eat somehow." Aaron lowered the line into the water. The contraption looked like something that would be made in cub scouts: a stick with a bent piece of wire on the end. "How's your foot? Regained feeling yet?"

I shrugged, looking at it. The swelling had gone down a little, which was a miracle. "Not much."

"If I kicked it, would it hurt?"

"Yes!" I scooted away, my eyes wide.

He laughed. "Chill, man. I'm not that stupid."

I watched him for a second. He seemed... fine. Which could only mean one thing: he was completely hiding all his feelings.

"How... are you?" I asked, somewhat timidly.

He bit his lip, his eyes suddenly focused on the water. "You mean, in reference to my best friend dying and me acting like I don't even care?" He shrugged. "Grand."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, man. I know you probably don't wanna think about it, but, I don't know, I guess talking about it could help."

He looked the other way, sweeping his normally-short-but-getting-long blond hair from his face. "I know. I guess I just decided that if I pretend it didn't happen, I wouldn't be forced to realize I'll never see him again. It's just, like, I've never gone this long without seeing him, and I feel like any second he's just gonna appear and be fine." He leaned forward. "But he's gone."

Decimation (Ianthony Apocalypse AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz