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The clatter of the eating utensils against the plate was one of the only sounds being heard in the room. Oh, and the sounds of chopsticks clicking and grunting from Whitty.

Both Whitty and Keith were eating dinner at the bar counter. Keith made it of course.

It was a normal dinner of whatever Keith felt like making. Keith supposedly made teriyaki with rice and noodles.

Keith remembered Whitty had to eat a lot for a certain reason, so he made sure to give Whitty atleast two plate fulls.

Whitty really liked it actually, and it was his first time trying to use chopsticks. Keyword: Trying.

He was struggling and kept flinging them out from between his fingers. Keith tried to help him as much as he can to his ability, but it was no avail.

"Come on Whitty, I know you don't want to give up on those chopsticks but you gotta eat more of the food I made for you sooner or later. Just please use the fork I gave you."

Whitty sighed, finally setting the chopsticks down and picking up his fork to eat.

Keith smiled at Whitty and began to eat more of his.

It was silent.

Keith knew he didn't want to make Whitty uncomfortable, but he can't just ignore what happened forever.

"Hey Whitty."

Whitty looked up from his plate into Keith's gaze, showing that he has his attention.

"Can we talk about what happened?"

Whitty looked away with a depressed look on his face yet deep in thought. Keith awaited for his response. Since Whitty was so patient with him before, he wanted to repay him.

Finally Whitty replied with, "Can I trust you, Keith?"

Keith never heard Whitty this serious before ever. This is more genuine than when he was saying sorry 47 times.

Keith nodded in approval before Whitty gave an anxious face.

If it wasn't obvious already, Whitty has very bad trust issues, so it's really hard for him to know if he can really trust Keith or not. He is constantly overthinking, wondering if Keith is just fake or if he was being just a bother like always.



Whitty jerked his head up snapping out of his thoughts, then looking away again and mouthing sorry.

"Take your time Whitty, it's only 5:40 P.M., no need to rush or overwork yourself. I promise you can trust me." The bluenette said as he gave Whitty a reassuring smile.

Whitty sighed before finally speaking carefully.

"I found a newspaper in my alley way."


Whitty's POV:

I was produced in a lab as a test subject. Us test subjects all have strange powers, but I was the only one who couldn't find out or control them well.

My doctors and caretakers do many things to test me and the others, seeing how it will effect us. A couple of my friends died thanks to the testing.

Besides the testing, we all love eachother. Even the doctors. They treat us as family, and those who died from failed tests were accidents. They never ever want to hurt us.

These are my only family. We have a greenhouse and a backyard, but multiple obstacles prevents us from leaving. Nobody wanted to leave though. We were happy. The caretakers trusted us enough to take down those obstacles and we still never left.

"Thank you berry." [Whitty x BF; Bombeep fanfiction] OLDWhere stories live. Discover now